[petsc-users] DA_XYZGHOSTED

Juha Jäykkä juhaj at iki.fi
Mon Mar 8 07:12:47 CST 2010


I was wondering what's the status of DA_XYZGHOSTED? It seems to be implemented 
for 1D DAs only. Putting the boundary data at inside (i.e. non-ghosted part) 
of the DA is not very nice since it necessitates separate handling of the for-
loops on the ranks that happen to be on the physical boundary of the lattice. 
This makes the code unnecessarily complicated from users' point of view. 
Having the ghosts available at the boundaries as well would be the ideal place 
to put the boundary data into. I understand these ghost values are never 
updated (if running with no periodicity), so just setting them in the 
beginning would be correct.


		| Juha Jäykkä, juhaj at iki.fi			|
		| http://www.maths.leeds.ac.uk/~juhaj		|
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