[petsc-users] T^t*K*T for SEQSBAIJ matrix type

Martin Rädel martin.raedel at tu-dresden.de
Mon Jun 7 06:27:46 CDT 2010

Dear All,

I try to multiply matrices in the following way:


where K is symmetric and positive definite and has the type SEQSBAIJ and T is 
nonsymmetric and has the type SEQAIJ.
I searched the manual for possibilities to compute this task but I just found  
MatMatMultTranspose which is only applicable for matrices of type SEQAIJ and 
MatPtAP which only works for AIJ-type matrices.

Is there a way to calculate T^t*K*T for the used matrix types (K=SEQSBAIJ) ?

Thank you very much,


Btw, I am currently using PETSc 3.0 since I work with SLEPc as well.

Martin Rädel

Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik / Institute of Aerospace Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Luftfahrzeugtechnik / Chair of Aircraft Engineering

D-01062 Dresden

phone   : (++49)351 463 38291
fax     : (++49)351 463 37263
mail    : martin.raedel at tu-dresden.de
Website : http://tu-dresden.de/mw/ilr/lft

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