VecView behaviour
Andreas Grassl
Andreas.Grassl at
Wed Jun 3 17:35:23 CDT 2009
Thank you for the explanation, first I'll try the null space set up and then I
come back to your hints.
Jed Brown schrieb:
> Andreas Grassl wrote:
>> Barry Smith schrieb:
>>> Hmm, it sounds like the difference between local "ghosted" vectors
>>> and the global parallel vectors. But I do not understand why any of the
>>> local vector entries would be zero.
>>> Doesn't the vector X that is passed into KSP (or SNES) have the global
>>> entries and uniquely define the solution? Why is viewing that not right?
>> I still don't understand fully the underlying processes of the whole PCNN
>> solution procedure, but trying around I substituted
>> MatCreateIS(commw, ind_length, ind_length, PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE,
>> gridmapping, &A);
> This creates a matrix that is bigger than you want, and gives you the
> dead values at the end (global dofs that are not in the range of the
> LocalToGlobalMapping.
> This from the note on MatCreateIS:
> | m and n are NOT related to the size of the map, they are the size of the part of the vector owned
> | by that process. m + nghosts (or n + nghosts) is the length of map since map maps all local points
> | plus the ghost points to global indices.
>> by
>> MatCreateIS(commw, PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE, actdof, actdof, gridmapping, &A);
> This creates a matrix of the correct size, but it looks like it could
> easily end up with the "wrong" dofs owned locally. What you probably
> want to do is:
> 1. Resolve ownership just like with any other DD method. This
> partitions your dofs into n owned dofs and ngh ghosted dofs on each
> process. The global sum of n is N, the size of the global vectors that
> the solver will interact with.
> 2. Make an ISLocalToGlobalMapping where all the owned dofs come first,
> mapping (0..n-1) to (rstart..rstart+n-1), followed by the ghosted dofs
> (local index n..ngh-1) which map to remote processes. (rstart is the
> global index of the first owned dof)
> One way to do this is to use MPI_Scan to find rstart, then number all
> the owned dofs and scatter the result. The details will be dependent on
> how you store your mesh. (I'm assuming it's unstructured, this step is
> trivial if you use a DA.)
> 3. Call MatCreateIS(comm,n,n,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,mapping,&A);
>> Furthermore it seems, that the load balance is now better, although I still
>> don't reach the expected values, e.g.
>> ilu-cg 320 iterations, condition 4601
>> cg only 1662 iterations, condition 84919
>> nn-cg on 2 nodes 229 iterations, condition 6285
>> nn-cg on 4 nodes 331 iterations, condition 13312
>> or is it not to expect, that nn-cg is faster than ilu-cg?
> It depends a lot on the problem. As you probably know, for a second
> order elliptic problem with exact subdomain solves, the NN
> preconditioned operator (without a coarse component) has condition
> number that scales as
> (1/H^2)(1 + log(H/h))^2
> where H is the subdomain diameter and h is the element size.
> In contrast, overlapping additive Schwarz is
> 1/H^2
> and block Jacobi is
> 1/(Hh)
> (the original problem was 1/h^2)
> In particular, there is no reason to expect that NN is uniformly better
> than ASM, although it may be for certain problems. When a coarse
> solve is used, NN becomes
> (1 + log(H/h))^2
> which is quasi-optimal (these methods are known as BDDC, which is
> essentially equivalent to FETI-DP). The key advantage over multigrid
> (or multilivel Schwarz) is improved robustness with variable
> coefficients. My understanding is that PCNN is BDDC, and uses direct
> subdomain solves by default, but I could have missed something. In
> particular, if the coarse solve is missing or inexact solves are used,
> you could easily see relatively poor scaling. AFAIK, it's not for
> vector problems at this time.
> Good luck.
> Jed
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