Error Handlers Function

Barry Smith bsmith at
Thu Feb 26 11:51:03 CST 2009

    This is an MPI question and has nothing to do with PETSc. Perhaps  
there are some MPI mailing lists out there for this type of question.
Note: I don't think exit() is something that all MPI implementations  
can catch and distribute to the other MPI nodes, but this is something  
MPI folks would know.


On Feb 26, 2009, at 10:00 AM, Santolo Felaco wrote:

> Hi,
> I have setted a handler error function:
> ierr = MPI_Errhandler_create(errorHandler,&errhandler); CHKERRQ(ierr);
> ierr = MPI_Errhandler_set(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,errhandler); CHKERRQ(ierr);
> I have simulated a fault of processor 1:
> if (rank == 1)) exit(2);
> The process remains blocked and the functions errorHandler is not  
> called.
> If I use return; instead of exit(2); the process don't remains  
> blocked, I read the error of Petsc but errorHandler is not called.
> Help me please.

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