Petsc command line options are ignored by PBS submission

Barry Smith bsmith at
Mon Dec 7 19:06:00 CST 2009

    cd src/vec/vec/examples/tutorials  ; make ex1 ex1f

    Then submit ex1 and ex1f to the batch system  as needed with the  
command line option -info after the ex1 and ex1f

     Does it cause additional information about the run to be printed?  
Does it print that additional information only for ex1 or for both ex1f?

     The reason to do the test is to determine if your batch  
submission system is passing command line options at all and then to  
determine if something only with the Fortran compiler is preventing  
the command line options. If the option works with ex1 and not ex1f  
then send petsc-maint at the file configure.log


On Dec 7, 2009, at 5:22 PM, hxie at wrote:

> Hi,
> I compile the petsc by
> -----
> ./config/ COPTFLAGS=-O3 FOPTFLAGS=-O3 --download-f-blas- 
> lapack=1
> -----
> (.bashrc:
> export PETSC_DIR=$HOME/lib/petsc-3.0.0-p8
> export PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-opt
> )
> and the "make all" runs OK but the "make test" always fails  
> (probably because the queueing
> system won't let the script launch an interactive multiprocessor  
> job. The interactive command should be
> "mpirun -np 4 -hostfile hosts ~/ex1").
> After compiling the petsc, my code runs OK except I cannot use the  
> command line options. That is really inconvenient. Any idea for  
> this? My code is written in Fortran 90. Thanks.
> Part of error messages after running "make test"
> ------
> Running test examples to verify correct installation
> Possible error running C/C++ src/snes/examples/tutorials/ex19 with 1  
> MPI process
> See
> mpirun_ssh: option `-n' is ambiguous
> mpirun_ssh -timeout 200 -paramfile paramfile.11115 -n 1 ./ex19 - 
> dmmg_nlevels 4 failed!
> Removing temporary paramfile paramfile.11115
> ------
> Bests,
> Hui

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