Cg/asm doesn't scale
Nguyen, Hung V ERDC-ITL-MS
Hung.V.Nguyen at
Thu Apr 23 11:07:40 CDT 2009
I tried to solver the SPD linear system with using cg/asm preconditioner and
found that it doesn't scale well, see table below. Note: it does scale well
with cg/jacobi preconditioner.
Do you know why it doesn't scale?
Number Pes Solver Time (secs) #it
1 31.317345 544
2 263.172225 6959
4 734.828840 23233
8 805.217591 41250
16 611.813716 49262
32 345.331928 49792
64 212.084555 53771
1 : aprun -n 1 ./test_matrix_read -ksp_type cg -pc_type asm -pc_asm_type
basic -sub_pc_type ilu -sub_ksp_type preonly -ksp_rtol 1.0e-12 -ksp_max_it
Time in PETSc solver: 31.317345 seconds
The number of iteration = 544
The solution residual error = 1.658653e-08
2 norm 7.885361e-07
infinity norm 6.738382e-09
1 norm 2.124207e-04
Application 679466 resources: utime 0, stime 0
************************ Beginning new run ************************
2 : aprun -n 2 ./test_matrix_read -ksp_type cg -pc_type asm -pc_asm_type
basic -sub_pc_type ilu -sub_ksp_type preonly -ksp_rtol 1.0e-12 -ksp_max_it
Time in PETSc solver: 263.172225 seconds
The number of iteration = 6959
The solution residual error = 1.794494e-08
2 norm 6.579571e-07
infinity norm 8.745052e-09
1 norm 1.907733e-04
-- Here is info about matrix A:
Computed <structure:nrows> as <178353>
Computed <structure:symmetry> as <0>
Computed <structure:nnzeros> as <3578321>
Computed <structure:max-nnzeros-per-row> as <27>
Computed <structure:min-nnzeros-per-row> as <6>
Computed <structure:left-bandwidth> as <76553>
Computed <structure:right-bandwidth> as <76553>
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