Schur complement system

Lisandro Dalcin dalcinl at
Mon Mar 10 09:00:40 CDT 2008

On 3/9/08, Kathrin Burckhardt <tribur at> wrote:
>  uff, sounds in fact quite complicated.

Yes, it is  :-(

> In particular, I don't
>  understand why you split the "local process matrix" (the local Schur
>  complement, right?) in four (sub?)submatrices? Is it because of the
>  structure of you domain?

Well, perhaps I did not understood your.

My implementation is intended to work with a MATIS global matrix. In
this matrix, each process assembles its local subdomain matrix (this
is somewhat natural in finite element methods). For a finite element
partitioning (as described in Y. Saad book on iterative methods,, the 'local' Schur
complement is defined by four submatrices obtained from the local
subdomain matrix. Those 'local' Schur complements in turn define the
'global' one, which is never explicitely assembled, but implicitely
handled by defining the matrix-vector product.

>  On Fri, 7 Mar 2008, Lisandro Dalcin wrote:
>  > Well, I did. I have a preliminar implementation of this inside
>  > petsc4py (PETSc for Python). However, it is fully implemented in C as
>  > a standard preconditioner intended to be used with KSPPREONLY. The
>  > preconditioner has  a sub-KSP iterating only on global interface
>  > nodes. It should be almost trivial to incorporate it inside other
>  > codes.
>  >
>  > A warning: all this needs a MATIS matrix to work, that is each
>  > processor have is local portion of the global matrix in an unassembled
>  > fashion. In order to define the Schur complement system, the local
>  > process matrix is splitted in four submatrices. At each processor, the
>  > 'subdomain' can be further partitioned, this is implemented with a
>  > simple minded graph partitioning implemented by reusing the some core
>  > routines used inside PETSc for sparse matrix reordering. In order to
>  > precondition the Schur complement system, a subsidiary problem can
>  > defined by taking some layers of nodes around interface nodes and it
>  > is globally iterated with typically a few loops or sub-sub KSP.
>  >
>  > In short, the implementation is a really involved, and comparable in
>  > dificulty to the Newmann-Newman preconditioner (which is also
>  > implemented to work with MATIS). At the user level, the only parameter
>  > to tweack is the 'sub-subdomain' size and of course tolerances of the
>  > inner KSP solver inside the 'SCHUR' preconditioner.
>  >
>  > Why I never added this to PETSc? Time, lack of serious testing, etc.
>  > but mainly because I'm not sure of it is really a good choice compared
>  > to PCASM. In fact, some day I would implement my trics for
>  > sub-subdamain partitioning (or perhaps use metis for this) inside ASM.
>  > Then the sub-subdomain problems would have a reasonable size for using
>  > LU, and finally I would compare PCASM  with my PCSCHUR.
>  >
>  > Currently, we are using this for solving incompressible NS equations
>  > with monolithic stabilized FEM formulation, and other problems with
>  > badly conditioned global systems. We have found no better way to solve
>  > our linear systems for our application, probably because we are not
>  > smart enough.
>  >
>  > Hope you understood me...
>  >
>  > On 3/7/08, Kathrin Burckhardt <tribur at> wrote:
>  >> Dear nice people,
>  >>
>  >>  Did you ever try to solve a Schur complement system using PETSc?
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  >
>  >

Lisandro Dalcín
Centro Internacional de Métodos Computacionales en Ingeniería (CIMEC)
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química (INTEC)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
PTLC - Güemes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594

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