question about Petsc_Real

Satish Balay balay at
Wed Jun 11 16:08:17 CDT 2008

On Wed, 11 Jun 2008, tsjb00 wrote:

> Have a stupid question about the precision of Petsc_Real (float, double, long double...)

> Is it defined when installing the PETSC package? How? 

yes with the configure option --with-precision=double. However -
precisions other than double are not well tested.

> Once the PETSC is installed, can I still change the precision of
> Petsc_Real for different application code? How?


> Do I have to recompile the PETSC package?

yes you have to recompile.  However you can use a different PETSC_ARCH
for this build - so that both builds are useable. [you can switch
between them by using the correct PETSC_ARCH value with make - when
compiling your code]


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