Performance Log Question

Waad Subber w_subber at
Thu Jul 31 16:33:50 CDT 2008


I am currently solving a 1.2 million by 1.2 million linear system using PETSc 2.3.3, Patch 13 using domain decomposition (iterative substructuring using a Krylov Subspace Solver). I'm using a 120 CPU cluster with InfiniBand interconnect; each node has 8 cores -- 2 quad-core Xeon CPUs (X5365) at 3.0 GHz, each node having 32 GB of RAM.

After running my code, I generate a log using the following:
       CALL PetscLogPrintSummary(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"log.txt",ierr)

When looking at the log output, I noticed that the peak and average number of Flops seems fairly low -- in the case of one run, a peak of 6.0e7 flops with an average value of 5.2e7. The exact log output is:

                         Max       Max/Min        Avg      Total 
Time (sec):           5.283e+01      1.02357   5.169e+01
Objects:              2.600e+02      1.00000   2.600e+02
Flops:                3.187e+09      1.69853   2.721e+09  3.265e+11
Flops/sec:            6.165e+07      1.69865   5.264e+07  6.317e+09
Memory:               6.081e+07      1.39801              6.608e+09
MPI Messages:         1.067e+05      1.00000   1.067e+05  1.281e+07
MPI Message Lengths:  5.205e+08      1.00081   4.875e+03  6.245e+10
MPI Reductions:       1.898e+01      1.00000

Is my interpretation correct about this being a fairly low flop count? Does this mean there's an issue with my code?

I am attaching my log file



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