what's the difference between PetscViewerASCIIOpen() and PetscViewerBinaryOpen()?

Aldo Bonfiglioli aldo.bonfiglioli at unibas.it
Wed Jan 23 03:21:06 CST 2008

> thank you for your reply. Do you have any method to generate an ascii 
> file of the huge sparse matrix? thanks

I have been using HYPRE calls (from PETSc) to accomplish this.
Each processor will write his own  portion of the global matrix
in his own file.
The enclosed file should explain how.


Dr. Aldo Bonfiglioli
Dip.to di Ingegneria e Fisica dell'Ambiente (DIFA)
Universita' della Basilicata
V.le dell'Ateneo lucano, 10 85100 Potenza ITALY
tel:+39.0971.205203 fax:+39.0971.205160

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