Problem in Using PETSc examples

amjad ali amjad11 at
Sun Sep 16 06:07:10 CDT 2007

Hello Dr. Matt and others at PETSc, I read few tutorials on makefile as you
advised. It improved my understanding.

Now I do the following to run the test example ex1:
1)cd ${PETSC_DIR}/src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/
2)make ex1   (it produces executable ex1)
3)[petsc1 at localhost tutorials]$ mpiexec ex1
    bash: mpiexec: command not found
4)[petsc1 at localhost tutorials]$ ${PETSC_DIR}/externalpackages/
mpich2-1.0.5p4/${PETSC_ARCH}/bin/mpiexec ex1
Error in system call mpiexec: No such file or directory
mpiexec could not exec ex1

I am puzzled with this situation. What should be the remedy?

In added the following two lines (although somewhat extra) in the makefile :
MPIEXEC = ${PETSC_DIR}/externalpackages/mpich2-1.0.5p4
include ${PETSC_DIR}/bmake/${PETSC_ARCH}/petscconf

Please tell me that is there any effect of placing "include" lines on
different locations in the makefile (at the top or bottom of the file)?

with best regards,
Amjad Ali.
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