Verry time consuming first matrix assembly

devteam devteam at
Wed May 23 07:24:56 CDT 2007


I have a FEM code that perform with several meshes. We handle 
interactions/contacts between bodies/meshes by assembling coupling terms 
between the « contact » nodes of the meshes.

I have a very large bandwidth : The numbering of the whole problem is done 
mesh by mesh (my problem is of size 4*N where N is the total number of node 
and N = N1 + N2 + .. + Nq with Nq the number of nodes of mesh q. Nodes of 
mesh q are numbered from N1+N2 + .. + N(q-1) + 1 to N1+N2+..+Nq)

Typically N # 100000 to 1000000.

The matrix is a MPIBAIJ one and the d_nnz and o_nnz info are specified when 

It is filled using MatSetValuesBlockedLocal in mode ADD_VALUES.

At each increment of my time step scheme, the connections between mesh nodes 
may change and I have to rebuild the matrix.

It appears that the CPU required for the first matrix assembly is very large 
(three to four times the CPU for 1 system solve) and depend on the number of 
meshes : if I have only one mesh of an equivalent size the assembly CPU 
remain almost zero.

So I wonder what is causing the assembly to last so much ? I was thinking 
that the system solve would have been longer because of my large bandwidth 
but I don't understand why it is the matrix assembly that last so much.

I have investigated using Mat_info but all seems to be correct : the number 
of malloc during MatSetValue is always zero and I have a ratio non zero used 
/ non zero allocated between 1% and 10% (same ratio than when I have only 
one mesh).

I have tested using a simple SOR preconditionner instead of ILU, wondering 
if it was the precond assembly that last long because of the bandwidth, but 
it does not change anything !

Thanks a lot for any remarks or any tip.

Best regards,

Etienne Perchat

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