need help with makefile

P. Aaron Lott palott at
Sat Mar 3 10:52:56 CST 2007

Hi Satish,

I'm attaching the file to this e-mail.



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On Mar 3, 2007, at 11:29 AM, Satish Balay wrote:

> Can you send us the preprocessed __unsteady_ex.F file?
> Satish
> On Sat, 3 Mar 2007, P. Aaron Lott wrote:
>> Hi Satish,
>> You're right the problem is from mpif90, I tried
>> mpif90 -qfree -c  -I. -g  __unsteady_ex.F -o unsteady_ex.o
>> but I'm getting the same error messages.  The file unsteady_ex  
>> compiled fine
>> before using petsc and the preprocessor, so I really don't know  
>> what the
>> problem could be.
>> Any ideas?
>> -Aaron
>> On Mar 2, 2007, at 12:16 PM, Satish Balay wrote:
>>>>>> /usr/local/mpich- -c  -I. -g   
>>>>>> __unsteady_ex.F -o
>>>>>> unsteady_ex.o
>>> "__unsteady_ex.F", line 965.2: 1515-019 (S) Syntax is incorrect.
>>> <<<
>>> The error is from mpif90 - not the preprocessor. Maybe its  
>>> interpreting
>>> the code as fixed form? Try adding '-qfree' to FFLAGS and see if  
>>> it makes
>>> a difference.
>>> Satish
>>> On Fri, 2 Mar 2007, P. Aaron Lott wrote:
>>>> Thanks Satish,
>>>> I checked the __unsteady_ex.F file. The preprocessor doesn't  
>>>> seem to like
>>>> any
>>>> of my fortran code. It starts complaining about the use of the use
>>>> statements,
>>>> and basically all the lines of code in this file.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> -Aaron
>>>> Here are some of the statements  the preprocessor complains about:
>>>> use initialize
>>>> use coordinates
>>>> use maps
>>>> use boundaries
>>>> use elements
>>>> use buildU
>>>> use matrix_ops
>>>> use output
>>>> use d1ops
>>>> use globaldata
>>>> use dss
>>>> use par_dss
>>>> use forces
>>>> use winds
>>>> use stokes_solvers
>>>> implicit none
>>>> integer n,i,j
>>>> real(kind=8) dt,gam
>>>> integer nsteps
>>>> type(coord) coords
>>>> type(coord) proc_coords
>>>> type(solution) GUXY,LUXY
>>>> real(kind=8),allocatable, dimension(:):: force,wind
>>>> integer nelements
>>>> integer nely,nelx
>>>> integer twod
>>>> integer nglobaldofs
>>>> integer  irc,myrank,nprocs, ierr, status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
>>>> call mpi_init(ierr)
>>>> ! Get myrank
>>>> call mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ierr)
>>>> call mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,nprocs,ierr)
>>>> call PetscInitialize( PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, ierr )
>>>> call MPI_Comm_rank( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, myrank, ierr )
>>>>   if (myrank .eq. 0) then
>>>>       print *, ?Hello World?
>>>>   endif
>>>>   call PetscFinalize(ierr)
>>>>   stop
>>>> On Mar 2, 2007, at 11:38 AM, Satish Balay wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 2 Mar 2007, P. Aaron Lott wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for this information. I think I setup things almost  
>>>>>> right, but
>>>>>> something is causing preprocessor to complain. The errors it  
>>>>>> is giving
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> referring to lines of my main program file that doesn't exist.
>>>>> The line numbers refer to the temoprary file created -  
>>>>> __unsteady_ex.F
>>>>> You can run the following command to preserve the temporary  
>>>>> file - and
>>>>> check it for the correct line number
>>>>> make unsteady_ex SKIP_RM=yes
>>>>> Preprocessing fortran code with C compiler can have some false
>>>>> positives.  For eg: if you have quotes in comments - then cpp can
>>>>> misbehave.
>>>>>> I would appreciate any recommendations about how to fix this  
>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>> I've
>>>>>> list some of the details of my setup below.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> -Aaron
>>>>>> e.g.
>>>>>> macbeth% make unsteady_ex
>>>>>> /usr/local/mpich-
>>>>>> -I/Users/palott/research/codes/petsc/petsc-2.3.2-p8
>>>>>> -I/Users/palott/research/codes/pets
>>>>>> c/petsc-2.3.2-p8/bmake/darwin-mpich-g
>>>>>> -I/Users/palott/research/codes/petsc/petsc-2.3.2-p8/include
>>>>>> -I/usr/local/mpich-1.2.
>>>>>> 5.2/include        -E -traditional-cpp __unsteady_ex.c | /usr/ 
>>>>>> bin/grep
>>>>>> -v
>>>>>> '^
>>>>>> *#' > __unsteady_ex.F
>>>>>> /usr/local/mpich- -c  -I. -g   
>>>>>> __unsteady_ex.F -o
>>>>>> unsteady_ex.o
>>>>>> "__unsteady_ex.F", line 965.2: 1515-019 (S) Syntax is incorrect.
>>>>>> But there are only 207 lines in this file.....
>>>>>> In my current makefile I have
>>>>>> F90=mpif90
>>>>>> F77=mpif77
>>>>> These don't need to be specified as PETSc .F.o targets don't  
>>>>> use them..
>>>>> [and
>>>>> you don't want to redefine whats already configured inside PETSc]
>>>>>> F77FLAGS= -C -g -qdpc -qautodbl=dbl4 -qinitauto -Wl,-framework
>>>>>> -Wl,vecLib
>>>>> This variable is not used by PETSc target
>>>>>> FLAGS=  -C -g  -qdpc -qautodbl=dbl4 -qinitauto -Wl,-framework
>>>>>> -Wl,vecLib
>>>>> PETSc should already use a blas implementation - so no need to  
>>>>> specify
>>>>> vecLib again.
>>>>>> EXENAME = unsteady_ex
>>>>>> SOBJS = mpi.o  quicksort.o routines.o binsort.o  coordinates.o
>>>>>> comm_maps.o
>>>>>> elements.o globaldata.o sem.o comp_inv.o d1ops.o maps.o  pardss.o
>>>>>> dss.o
>>>>>> stiffness.o convection.o Mass.o  pressure.o buildU.o  wind.o  
>>>>>> forcing.o
>>>>>> boundary_cond.o  navier_stokes.o runge_kutta.o  out.o gmres.o  
>>>>>> pcg.o
>>>>>> stream.o
>>>>>> uzawa.o print_matrices.o projection.o bdf.o  stokes_solvers.o
>>>>>> initialize_mpi.o unsteady_ex.o
>>>>>> $(CMD)  : $(SOBJS)
>>>>>> 	-${FLINKER} $(FLAGS) -o $(EXENAME) $(SOBJS)   $(PETSC_SYS_LIB)
>>>>> No need to specify FLAGS here - as the default targets pick it  
>>>>> up [in
>>>>> this
>>>>> case
>>>>> the flags get added to FLINKER
>>>>> Satish
>>>>>> mpi.o		: ../Comm/mpi.f90 		;$(F90) $(FLAGS) -c
>>>>>> ../Comm/mpi.f90
>>>>>> gmres.o		: ../Solvers/gmres.f90		;$(F90) $(FLAGS) -c
>>>>>> ../Solvers/gmres.f90
>>>>>> etc.... for all the object files except unsteady_ex.o
>>>>>> unsteady_ex.F is my main program.
>>>>>> In the example you gave, ex1f.F would be the main program, and  
>>>>>> at the
>>>>>> top
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the file it would have the statement:
>>>>>> #include "include/finclude/petsc.h"
>>>>>> So in my case, I've put that in the top of my unsteady_ex.F
>>>>>> On Mar 1, 2007, at 5:56 PM, Satish Balay wrote:
>>>>>>> The idea is to use a PETSc example makefile - and modify it
>>>>>>> appropriately.
>>>>>>> And with fortran codes - we require preprocessing [i.e source  
>>>>>>> files
>>>>>>> that call PETSc routines should be .F]
>>>>>>> A minimal PETSc makefile is as follows:
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> CFLAGS           =
>>>>>>> FFLAGS           =
>>>>>>> CPPFLAGS         =
>>>>>>> FPPFLAGS         =
>>>>>>> CLEANFILES       =
>>>>>>> include ${PETSC_DIR}/bmake/common/base
>>>>>>> ex1f: ex1f.o  chkopts
>>>>>>> 	-${FLINKER} -o ex1f ex1f.o  ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}
>>>>>>> 	${RM} ex1f.o
>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> So you'll just make the change [with the variables CMD and SOBJS
>>>>>>> properly
>>>>>>> defined]
>>>>>>> ex1f -> $(CMD)
>>>>>>> ex1f.o -> $(SOBJS)
>>>>>>> Note: Necessary FFLAGS should already be PETSc config files.  
>>>>>>> Some
>>>>>>> additional flags can be specified with FFLAGS variable
>>>>>>> Satish
>>>>>>> On Thu, 1 Mar 2007, P. Aaron Lott wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I have a fortran90 code and I would like to use petsc's
>>>>>>>> preconditioners
>>>>>>>> inside of it. I'm having trouble setting up a makefile that  
>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>> allow
>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>> include a petsc. It seems the problem is from the use of the
>>>>>>>> c-preprocessor.
>>>>>>>> My old makefile looked something like this:
>>>>>>>> $(CMD)  : $(SOBJS)
>>>>>>>> 	$(F90) $(FLAGS) -o $(EXENAME) $(SOBJS)
>>>>>>>> where SOBJ is a list of all of my object files.
>>>>>>>> I was hoping to be able to make a petsc object file and  
>>>>>>>> include it
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> list. Is this possible? Is there a tutorial on how to get petsc
>>>>>>>> setup
>>>>>>>> inside
>>>>>>>> of your existing code?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> -Aaron
>>>>>>>> P. Aaron Lott
>>>>>>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>>>>>>> 4239 Computer and Space Sciences Building
>>>>>>>> University of Maryland
>>>>>>>> College Park, MD 20742-4015
>>>>>>>> palott at
>>>>>>>> Office: 301.405.4894
>>>>>>>> Fax:      301.314.0827
>>>>>> P. Aaron Lott
>>>>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>>>>> 4239 Computer and Space Sciences Building
>>>>>> University of Maryland
>>>>>> College Park, MD 20742-4015
>>>>>> palott at
>>>>>> Office: 301.405.4894
>>>>>> Fax:      301.314.0827
>>>> P. Aaron Lott
>>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>>> 4239 Computer and Space Sciences Building
>>>> University of Maryland
>>>> College Park, MD 20742-4015
>>>> palott at
>>>> Office: 301.405.4894
>>>> Fax:      301.314.0827
>> P. Aaron Lott
>> Ph.D. Candidate
>> 4239 Computer and Space Sciences Building
>> University of Maryland
>> College Park, MD 20742-4015
>> palott at
>> Office: 301.405.4894
>> Fax:      301.314.0827

P. Aaron Lott
Ph.D. Candidate
4239 Computer and Space Sciences Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-4015

palott at
Office: 301.405.4894
Fax:      301.314.0827

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