Scattering context options

Graham Kells gkells at
Fri Jul 27 06:19:33 CDT 2007

Hi ,

I'm scattering from a global vector (used as a kind of  look up table) 
to a bunch of local vectors and then using the values in the local 
vectors as indices to populate a global matrix. 

The basic population routine goes something like this

  do myrow=Istart,Iend-1

    ! Returns column indices of full matrix for rowindex list(myrow+1)
    call getrow(list(myrow+1),rowCOO,colCOO,valCOO)
    call ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,n,(colCOO-1),from,ierr)
    call ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF,n,idx_to-1,to,ierr) 
    call VecScatterCreate(vlist,from,outvec,to,scatter,ierr)
    call VecScatterDestroy(scatter,ierr)
    call ISDestroy(from,ierr)
    call ISDestroy(to,ierr)

    call VecGetValues(outvec,n,idx_to-1,idx_real,ierr)

    call MatSetValues(A,1,myrow,n,idx_from-1,valCOO,INSERT_VALUES,ierr)
 end do

While this works, it is prohibitively slow. Any ideas on why this is?  
Of course if you can suggest a better way of doing this that would be great.

Supposing you can't and I want to experiment with different MPI 
communication modes within the scatter context. How do specify the  
MPI_Ssend option, for example?

Thanks in advance,


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