MPI forum similar to PETSc for MPI problems?

Ben Tay zonexo at
Fri Jan 19 19:56:38 CST 2007


I've encountered some MPI programming problems. Does anyone know of a
mailing list sort of discussion forum similar to this PETSc one which deals
with MPI?

Btw, my question is as follow, it will be great if someone can help too ;-)

It's in fortran but I guess it should be similar in C. Put it simply, how do
I broadcast part of a derived type variable to other processors ie

type particle

real x,y,z

integer number

end type particle

type(particle) part(10,10)

So I want to broadcast part(:,:)%x to other processors. How can I do that? I
tried to use:

call MPI_BCAST(part(i,j)%x, 1, MPI_Real,1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) but it
can't work.

Thank you very much
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