Satish Balay balay at
Thu Sep 21 09:37:46 CDT 2006

Does this MPI have mpicc/mpif77 etc?

If so - just use:

--with-cc=mpicc --with-fc=mpif77

This is less error prone then specifying --with-mpi-include --with-mpi-lib etc..


On Thu, 21 Sep 2006, jens.madsen at wrote:

> Hi 
> Do you have any experience with TOPSPIN mpich implementation ? I am
> trying to compile petsc using -with-mpi-include and -with-mpi-lib. 
> First of all I think that I am parsing a wrong argument to
> -with-mpi-lib= ..... Am I supposed to type the library name, library
> file name etc. I have tried a lot of things :-) I just need an example
> on how to compile petsc with "--with-mpi-include" and "--with-mpi-lib"
> instead of "-with-mpi-dir" 
> Cheers Jens 
> Also thank you Barry. My MG is working now :-) 

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