SNES Problem

Barry Smith bsmith at
Thu Mar 2 19:24:21 CST 2006

> it again, the push and pop() functions dont seem to work, and they are
> keeping me from compiling the program, this is the main timestep loop:

> PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN didnt work:  error on line 6500 of SNESG3D2.F:
> data type is undefined for variable PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN
> Even thought I had petsc.h included.

   Is it just not compiling because  PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN is not
defined? Or does it still not work even when you have put the number in?
What is the error? Or did you get it all working with SNES?

   It may work automatically with TS; you would just set TS with a
smaller timestep and call TSSolve again?


   I'm adding a petscerror.h for Fortran that includes these values
Sorry I forgot we hadn't given them for Fortran.

On Thu, 2 Mar 2006, Nils Erik Svangård wrote:

> Hi again,
> I realised that my implementation was a bit flawed so I have rewritten
> it again, the push and pop() functions dont seem to work, and they are
> keeping me from compiling the program, this is the main timestep loop:
>      call VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,N,x,ierr)
>      call VecDuplicate(x,r,ierr)
>      call VecDuplicate(x,xb,ierr)
>      call SNESCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,snes,ierr)
>      call SNESSetFunction(snes,r,FormFunction,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,ierr)
>      call SNESSetFromOptions(snes,ierr)
>      call FormInitialGuess(x,ierr)
>      call VecCopy(x,xb,ierr)
>      write(6,*)zero,dt,tmax,i1000
>      step=0
>      timestep=dt
> C While loop
>   10 if (step .le. 100) then
>        call PetscExceptionPush(87,ierr)
>        call SNESSolve(snes,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,x,ierr)
>        call PetscExceptionPop(87,ierr2)
>        call SNESGetConvergedReason(snes,reason,ierr)
>        IF ( reason .LT. 0 ) THEN
>           timestep=timestep/2
>           VecCopy(xb,x,ierr)
>           write(6,*)"Solution diverged, trying with",
>     .               " smaller timestep: ",timestep
>        ELSE
>         IF ( ierr .EQ. 87) THEN
>           timestep=timestep/2
>           VecCopy(xb,x,ierr)
>           write(6,*) "No physical solution, trying",
>     .                " with smaller timestep: ",timestep
>         ELSE
>           timestep=dt
>           step=step+1
>           VecCopy(x,xb,ierr)
>           write(6,*) "Solve success, going for step: ",step
>         ENDIF
>        ENDIF
>       goto 10
>      endif
> C End While loop
> And in my Formfunction I have added the following check:
> if (ET(L) .LT. 0) then
>                ierr = 87
>                return
>              endif
> PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN didnt work:  error on line 6500 of SNESG3D2.F:
> data type is undefined for variable PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN
> Even thought I had petsc.h included.
> Can I do this check when I use TS also? I have the sameproblem with
> the values being negative when using TS.
> /nisse
> On 2/27/06, Barry Smith <bsmith at> wrote:
>>    SNES works by computing p = -approxinv(J)*F(uold) and
>> then does a line search on unew = uold + lambda*p to get the
>> new u. First it uses a test value of 1 for lambda so it
>> tries to compute F(uold + p). It is possible that uold + p
>> has some "non-physical" values in it.  There are two ways
>> you can try handling it:
>> 1) Before doing the linesearch SNES calls a "precheck" function,
>> that can change the step if it decides there is a problem
>> with the step (like it is too long). You can provide your
>> own precheck function with SNESLineSearchSetPreCheck() it could,
>> for example, shrink the Newton direction to make it remain physical.
>> or 2) when your form function detects an illegal value it calls
>> SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN,"Nonphysical function input"); Note:
>> this is before it takes the square root of the negative number,
>> so check the number and call the error before calling SETERRQ().
>> (If using Fortran then simply set ierr = PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN and
>> then immediately return). Then replace your call to SNESSolve with
>>    ierr = PetscExceptionTry1(SNESSolve(snes,b,x),PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN);
>>    if (PetscExceptionCaught(ierr,PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN)) {
>>      /* this means your function found a non-physical value so
>>         cut your time-step and continue through the loop again. */
>>         Put code to do this here.
>>    }
>> If using fortran then do
>> call PetscExceptionPush(PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN,ierr)
>> call SNESSolve(snes,b,x,ierr)
>> call PetscExceptionPop(PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN,anotherierr)
>> if (ierr == PETSC_ERR_ARG_DOMAIN) then
>>    non-physical value so cut the time-step and try again
>> else ! everything is normal so take the next time-step
>>    Barry
>> The Fortran interface may be missing PetscExceptionPush() and Pop()
>> if so let us know and we'll provide the patch.
>> On Mon, 27 Feb 2006, Nils Erik Svangård wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have problems solving some CFD problems using SNES and my custom
>>> back-euler. I have 7 equations that I want to solve.
>>> First my FormFunction copies the values from the Vec that SNES uses to
>>> the variables that my code use:
>>>      RO(L)=xx(1,L)
>>>      RU(L)=xx(2,L)
>>>      RV(L)=xx(3,L)
>>>      RW(L)=xx(4,L)
>>>      ET(L)=xx(5,L)
>>>      RQ(L)= xx(6,L)
>>>      REPS(L)=xx(7,L)
>>> Here I also print the values of ET(2) for debugging:
>>>      write(6,*)"ET(2) = xx(5,2) : ",ET(2)," = ",xx(5,2)
>>> Then I get the fluxes by calling custom functions
>>>      call AUXVR
>>>      call VGRAD
>>>      call FLUX
>>>      call KESRC
>>> Then I perform back-euler  save the new value to so that I can use it
>>> in the next iterationi (TSF(L) is Time step function, which is set by
>>> hand and is the same for all L):
>>>      ff(1,L) = RO(L)-OLD(1,L)-TSF(L)*DRO(L)
>>>      ff(2,L) = RU(L)-OLD(2,L)-TSF(L)*DRU(L)
>>>      ff(3,L) = RV(L)-OLD(3,L)-TSF(L)*DRV(L)
>>>      ff(4,L) = RW(L)-OLD(4,L)-TSF(L)*DRW(L)
>>>      ff(5,L) = ET(L)-OLD(5,L)-TSF(L)*DET(L)
>>>      ff(6,L) = RQ(L)-OLD(6,L)-TSF(L)*DRQ(L)
>>>      ff(7,L) = REPS(L)-OLD(7,L)-TSF(L)*DREPS(L)
>>> And save the new value of RO-REPS to use in the next iteration of back-euler:
>>>      OLD(1,L)=RO(L)
>>>      OLD(2,L)=RU(L)
>>>      OLD(3,L)=RV(L)
>>>      OLD(4,L)=RW(L)
>>>      OLD(5,L)=ET(L)
>>>      OLD(6,L)=RQ(L)
>>>      OLD(7,L)=REPS(L)
>>> Here I print the values of L=2 as above for debugging:
>>>      write(6,*)ff(5,2)," = ",ET(2),"-",OLD(5,2),"-",TSF(2),"*",DET(2)
>>> The program exit abnormaly after 33 runs of the FormFunction. The
>>> cause of this is that AUXVR tries to perform sqrt(ET(2)) when ET(2) is
>>> negative, ET is the total energy and should never be negative. It
>>> seems that all of a sudden the PETSc SNES solver decides to supply the
>>> FormFunction with a negative ET value. I need help understanding why
>>> and how to fix it (if it is fixable).
>>> Here is the output of:
>>>      write(6,*)"ET(2) = xx(5,2) : ",ET(2)," = ",xx(5,2)
>>> Which is in the beginning of my FormFunction.
>>> And:
>>>      write(6,*)ff(5,2)," = ",ET(2),"-",OLD(5,2),"-",TSF(2),"*",DET(2)
>>> Which is in the end of my Formfunction.
>>> 1. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000000000
>>>   ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 2. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000010259
>>>   ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 3. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999999988
>>>   ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4132419437260  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941324E+08
>>> 4. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000048432
>>>   ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 5. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999999872
>>>   ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4177283437784  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941773E+08
>>> 6. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000071113
>>>   ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 7. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999980115
>>>   ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4453347441010  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.944533E+08
>>> 8. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000037298
>>>   ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4082723436679  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.940827E+08
>>> 9. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999942706
>>>   ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4082723436679  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.940827E+08
>>> 10. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999948703
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 11. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000007808
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.7283811474088  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.972838E+08
>>> 12. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000018146
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 13. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000001865
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   28.3742819315846  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.837428E+08
>>> 14. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999997296
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 15. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000000049
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   30.6548963582361  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -3.065490E+08
>>> 16. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000022870
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 17. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999999716
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.5326051451209  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.953260E+08
>>> 18. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000074328
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4165187437643  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941652E+08
>>> 19. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000049809
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4085059436707  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.940851E+08
>>> 20. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000019253
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 21. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000000189
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.8851075492403  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.988511E+08
>>> 22. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999997897
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4085059436707  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.940851E+08
>>> 23. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999975142
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.3961539435263  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.939615E+08
>>> 24. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000018324
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4085059436707  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.940851E+08
>>> 25. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999987073
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4165187437643  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941652E+08
>>> 26. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999980982
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4165187437643  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941652E+08
>>> 27. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999994645
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 28. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999962364
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4165187437643  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941652E+08
>>> 29. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253249.999999921
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 30. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000000058
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   28.4019971319085  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.840200E+08
>>> 31. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000040348
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4085059436707  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.940851E+08
>>> 32. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000005245
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 33. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :   253250.  =   253250.000005245
>>>    ff(5,2) = ET(2)-OLD(5,2)-TSF(2)*DET(2) :   29.4126563437192  =
>>> 253250. -  253250.000000000 -  1.000000E-07 * -2.941266E+08
>>> 34. ET(2) = xx(5,2) :  -848141.  =  -848141.388090847
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Petsc Release Version 2.3.0, Patch 32, April, 26, 2005
>>> See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
>>> See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
>>> See docs/index.html for manual pages.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ./SNESG3D2 on a linux-gnu named by yy26539 Mon Feb
>>> 27 14:21:13 2006
>>> Libraries linked from /home/yy26539/work/NISSE/petsc-2.3.0/lib/linux-gnu
>>> Configure run at Thu Oct 13 08:23:56 2005
>>> Configure options --with-cc=gcc --with-fc="f77 -N109"
>>> --download-mpich=1 --download-mpich-pm=gforker
>>> --download-f-blas-lapack=1 --with-shared=0
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Caught signal number 8 FPE: Floating Point
>>> Exception,probably divide by zero
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Try option -start_in_debugger or -on_error_attach_debugger
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: likely location of problem given in stack below
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------- Stack Frames ---------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Note: The EXACT line numbers in the stack are not available,
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:       INSTEAD the line number of the start of the function
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:       is given.
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] SNES user function line 0 unknownunknown
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] SNESComputeFunction line 788 src/snes/interface/snes.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] SNESLineSearchCubic line 514 src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: User provided function() line 0 in unknown directory
>>> unknown file
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Signal received!
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:  !
>>> Suggestions and tips are very welcome!
>>> /nisse
>>> --
>>> Nils-Erik Svang�rd
>>> MSN: schweingaard at
>>> Skype: schweingaard
> --
> Nils-Erik Svangård
> MSN: schweingaard at
> Skype: schweingaard

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