EXTERNAL: Re: Problems using external packages Spooles and Hy pre with PETSc v2. 3.1

Stephen R Ball Stephen.R.Ball at awe.co.uk
Mon Jun 5 06:51:53 CDT 2006


Your example runs OK, as do some of my other problems. But with some
PETSc v2.3.1 fails while PETSc v2.3.0 works. I have attached the output from
both PETSc versions for one of these problems. If you are interested,
we could make arrangements for me sending you one of these problems.



-----Original Message-----
From: Hong Zhang [mailto:hzhang at mcs.anl.gov] 
Sent: 02 June 2006 14:47
To: petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: Problems using external packages Spooles and Hypre
with PETSc v2. 3.1 


> I am using Spooles downloaded from the PETSc ftp site and built into 
> PETSC_DIR/externalpackages. When solving a partcular problem I am 
> getting the error:
> MatFactorNumeric_MPIAIJSpooles line 199 
> src/mat/impls/aij/mpi/spooles/mpispooles.c
> MatLUFactorNumeric line 2200 src/mat/interface/matix.c KSPSetUp line 
> 183 src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c KSPSolve line 305 
> src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c

May I have the complete error message after the crash?
Can you run
with the cmd:

mpirun -np 2 ./ex5 -ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu -mat_type aijspooles?


> The problem also occurs in serial.
> I am using Hypre v1.10.0b downloaded from the LLNL site and built 
> separatly to PETSc. When I have been using Pilut and Parasails as 
> either global problem preconditioners of as sub preconditioners for 
> ASM or BJACOBI, I have been getting errors indicating that there could 
> be a memory access out of range. I suspect that there may be a memory 
> overwrite or mismatch occuring somewhere. Note that BOOMERAMG and 
> EUCLID seem to work OK. Again these problems were not apparent when I 
> was using PETSc v2.3.0.
> Have there been any significant changes in the PETSc source that 
> handles Spooles and Hypre between versions 2.3.0 and 2.3.1 that could 
> be causing these problems? I don't really want to go back to using 
> PETSc v2.3.0 if I can help it. I don't know if it makes any 
> difference, but I am using the Fortran interface to PETSc.
> Hope you can help.
> Regards
> Stephen R. Ball
> -- 
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