distributed array

Berend van Wachem berend at chalmers.se
Thu Jul 20 04:05:33 CDT 2006

Hi Matt,

Yes, I create a DA for each domain (block I call it in the code) where M 
and M and N are the dimensions of that block.

In my problem I do specify m and n, by a simple algorithm; I try to find 
a solution so that each processor has about the same number of nodes in 
total. I do this by taking the first block, looking at how much 
processors it would get (by dividing its number of nodes by the total 
number of nodes times the number of processors) and fill it up from 
that. For each block I create a seperate communicator as well, so each 
block has its own communicator.

 From the vectors of the various blocks I glue together one larger 
vector on which the computations are done, with these functions,

#undef __FUNCT__
#define __FUNCT__ "VecOverGlobalToBlockGlobalBegin"
int VecOverGlobalToBlockGlobalBegin(Vec* A, Vec** B, char *name, struct 
CFDMesh *Mesh)
    int ierr,i;
    double *GPtr;


    ierr=VecGetArray(*A,&GPtr); CHKERRQ(ierr);

    for (i=0; i<Mesh->NMyBlocks; i++)
       ierr=VecPlaceArray((*B)[i], GPtr+Mesh->CFDBlocks[i].daoffset);

#undef __FUNCT__
#define __FUNCT__ "VecOverGlobalToBlockGlobalEnd"
int VecOverGlobalToBlockGlobalEnd(Vec* A, Vec** B, struct CFDMesh *Mesh)
       int ierr,i;
       double *GPtr;


       if (!ExistListOfLocalVectors(Mesh->BGCC,*B,&GPtr))
	 ErrorH(1,"Trying to delete a non existing vector from BGCC list");

       for (i=0; i<Mesh->NMyBlocks; i++)
          ierr=VecResetArray((*B)[i]); CHKERRQ(ierr);
       ierr=VecRestoreArray(*A,&GPtr); CHKERRQ(ierr);


> Thanks for the response (and sorry for the late 'thanks'),
> i can see how this is supposed to work. However, my question is then with the 
> creation of the distributed array objects. I take it from your code that you 
> create a DA for each patch (?). M and N then would be the dimension of my 2D 
> patch. My question is what i would be specifying for n and m. I am a little 
> confused in general what m and n are. It says they denote the process 
> partition in each direction and that m*n must be equal the total number of 
> processes in the communicator.
> Sorry, i am almost sure this is something simple. 
> thanks
> mat
> On Thursday 13 July 2006 23:13, Berend van Wachem wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > i was wondering if it is possible (or advisable) to use a distributed
>> > for when my domain is not necessarily rectangular but my subdomains are
>> > rectangular?
>> >
>> > thanks
>> > mat
>>Hi Matt,
>>This is exactly what I do; I work with a multi-block CFD problem, where
>>the total geometry consists of a number of structured (not neccesarily
>>rectangular) blocks. Each block has its own DA.
>>How I solved it, with help from the petsc team, is by making functions
>>which translate vectors from the complete domain (called block global in
>>my code) to each block (called block local in my code). The matrix
>>computation is done at the blockglobal level, and I can manipulate the
>>vectors at the block local level. Just to give an example, I attatch the
>>code at the end of this email. If you want more help/information please
>>let me know.
>>Good luck,
>>#undef __FUNCT__
>>#define __FUNCT__ "VecBlockGlobalToBlockLocalBegin"
>>int VecBlockGlobalToBlockLocalBegin(Vec **B, Vec **A, char* name, struct
>>CFDMesh *Mesh)
>>    int ierr, i;
>>    double *tmpPTR=NULL;
>>    PetscFunctionBegin;
>>    AddToListofLocalVectors(&Mesh->BLCC,Mesh->NMyBlocks,A,tmpPTR,name);
>>    for (i=0; i<Mesh->NMyBlocks; i++)
>>    {
>>       ierr=DAGetLocalVector(Mesh->CFDBlocks[i].da, &((*A)[i]));
>>i]); CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>); CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>    }
>>    PetscFunctionReturn(0);
>>#undef __FUNCT__
>>#define __FUNCT__ "VecBlockGlobalToBlockLocalEnd"
>>int VecBlockGlobalToBlockLocalEnd(Vec **B, Vec **A, struct CFDMesh
>>*Mesh,int CopyData)
>>    int i,ierr;
>>    PetscFunctionBegin;
>>    for (i=0; i<Mesh->NMyBlocks; i++)
>>    {
>>      if (CopyData==MF_COPY_DATA)
>>      {
>>      }
>>      ierr=DARestoreLocalVector(Mesh->CFDBlocks[i].da,&((*A)[i]));
>>    }
>>    DeleteFromListOfLocalVectors(&Mesh->BLCC,*A);
>>    PetscFunctionReturn(0);

     | Berend van Wachem                                    |
     | Multiphase Flow Group                                |
     | Chalmers University of Technology                    |
     |                                                      |
     | Please note that my email address has changed to:    |
     | Berend at chalmers.se                                   |
     |                                                      |
     | Please make the appropriate changes in your address  |
     | list.                                                |
     |                                                      |

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