Memory preallocation in python

Marek Wojciechowski mwojc at
Mon Aug 21 07:58:08 CDT 2006

>   1) It would have to be for a subclass like MatSeqAIJ
>   2) It is setPreallocation()
>   Thanks,
>      Matt

Honestly, I can find neither subclass MatSeqAIJ nor the method  
setPreallocation(). I create matrix as follows:

import PETSc.Mat
K = PETSc.Mat.Mat()   ## as far as i know this is the only way to create  
matrix in python
K.setSizes(size, size, Size, Size)
K.setType("seqaij")   ## i choose matrix type here, I don't know another  

Where is the moment to preallocate?

Marek Wojciechowski

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