PETSc from python

Marek Wojciechowski mwojc at
Tue Aug 15 20:10:47 CDT 2006

>> > There are nice Python bindings from
>> >
>> >

I inspected a bit lineal but it also seems to be a work in progress...  
There is no official release and the project is currently hibernated (as i  
was told at their mailing list). The approach presented there is  
interesting, but far from the python high level programming spirit (for  
now). Instead, C constructs are used almost directly in python  
interpreter. This has one advantage that the PETSc examples can be easy  
translated to python.

For now I found that it is quite good idea to use PETSc python bindings  
alongside with the parallelized python interpreter "bwpython"  
( and python mpi bindings  
"mpi4py" ( I'm able now to run  
interactive sessions with PETSc and I have also access to all MPI  
functions which are not accessible from your PETSc bindings (AFAIK).


Marek Wojciechowski

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