[Petsc-trilinos-discussion] Scope and requirements

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Nov 22 11:57:17 CST 2013

"Bartlett, Roscoe A." <bartlettra at ornl.gov> writes:

> 2) Ensure that the current Trilinos version of ML works with this
> updated version of PETSc.

I believe Toby Isaac has tested this recently.

> 3) Before Hydra-TH get coupled into any other code, we need to remove
> the direct insertion of ML support in the PETSc lib and defer it to
> Hydra-TH or some other downstream lib that uses dependency injection
> to overcome the link order issue.

What is the "link order issue"?  AFAIK, ML never depends on PETSc, so
there is no dependency loop.  In any case, registering the ML plugin
later is a pure build system issue (no source code changes).

> I can update the exiting CASL Kanban ticket with this info and see if
> the Hydra-TH developers are interested to purse this.  If they are,
> what level of support could the PETSc team give them on this in case
> they ask?

We answer all questions from anyone on our mailing lists.  If they are
open source/can share code, we can provide more detailed guidance.  We'd
rather not sign NDAs or get special cryptocards to access proprietary

> The TriBITS build system allows packages to use incompatible versions
> of libraries as long as there are no packages that bring these
> together (and there are not in the case of Hydra-TH currently).

What is "incompatible" if the packages are never used together?
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