[petsc-dev] ?????? petsc compatibility issues with slepc

Satish Balay balay.anl at fastmail.org
Mon Nov 11 09:22:06 CST 2024

please keep replies on the mailing list.

On Mon, 11 Nov 2024, David Jiawei LUO LIANG wrote:

> Yes at first I want to install slepc by homebrew but it doesn??t support.
> And after I installed petsc by home brew, I have to configure slepc by source. During slepc is linking petsc, the issue occur. I reinstall Mac book so I can??t offer the log for you
> By the way, I want to ask is there any version is suit for arm64 architecture? I think petsc existing are all for x86, which It can??t link very well at the make process. And this is why I insist use home brew to install petsc because my computer is not compatible with x86

I don't understand your reasoning for "insisting on using homebrew petsc" but "source install of slepc"

As indicated earlier - please use source install of PETSc + SLEPc + OpenMPI [or MPICH] - with latest petsc release [3.22.1] - and send us logs if you encounter any build issues.

./configure --download-openmpi --download-slepc

Ref: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://petsc.org/release/install/install/*installing-on-macos__;Iw!!G_uCfscf7eWS!eWzVXieq2ZHnYigkIXELdQ1dBbFGVOmsOvTwIA8hrqm5ireYfIv5B_CaIl-m5kdvKQLKMc15MJyttvFrXWx25StbQg$ 

This should work on either Intel or ARM Macs.


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