[petsc-dev] Apply for Google Summer of Code 2023?

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Fri Feb 3 17:28:11 CST 2023

Thanks for proposing this. Some ideas:

* DMPlex+libCEED automation
* Pipelined Krylov methods using Rust async
* Differentiable programming using Enzyme with PETSc

Karl Rupp <rupp at iue.tuwien.ac.at> writes:

> Dear PETSc developers,
> in order to attract students to PETSc development, I'm thinking about a 
> PETSc application for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2023:
>   https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2023
> The org application deadline is February 7, i.e. in 4 days. This 
> application is - roughly speaking - a form with a state of intent and a 
> justification why the project is a good fit for GSoC. I've done this in 
> the past (~2010-12) and can do the paperwork again this year.
> What is required:
>   - PETSc developers, who are willing to act as mentors throughout the 
> program.
>   - A few good project ideas (e.g. MATDENSE for GPUs) for 
> contributors/students to work on
> It used to be that new organizations will get at most 2 contributor 
> slots assigned. That's fair, because one must not underestimate the 
> effort that goes into mentoring.
> Thoughts? Shall we apply (yes/no)? If yes, are you willing to be mentor? 
> The more mentors, the better; it underlines the importance of the 
> project and indicates that contributors will find a good environment.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Karli

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