[petsc-dev] PETSc janitorial work

Blaise Bourdin bourdin at mcmaster.ca
Tue Aug 23 08:36:56 CDT 2022


I think that there is quite a bit of low-skills / time consuming work which is a poor use of the main developers’ time: syncing C / Fortran / python headers, improving the tests coverage, proofreading the manual and man pages, etc.

I’d be more than happy to help organizing a virtual or in-person event focussing on such janitorial tasks, provided that we can get support from some senior developers to help and review. This could but does not have to be coordinated with the next pets users meeting.

Any thoughts?

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Mathematical and Computational Aspects of Solid Mechanics
Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Hamilton Hall room 409A, McMaster University
1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada 
https://www.math.mcmaster.ca/bourdin | +1 (905) 525 9140 ext. 27243

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