[petsc-dev] MacOS firewall annoyance while running tests + solution

Hapla Vaclav vaclav.hapla at erdw.ethz.ch
Tue Sep 1 04:33:12 CDT 2020

OK, so a new configure option which sets a certain make variable which then enables that parts of gmakefile.test, right?

Something like —-with-add-macos-firewall-rules?

So it would be still be possible to pass that variable to make without reconfigure. I guess that's fine, I even take it as an advantage, but probably doesn't need to be documented. Only the configure option should be properly explained in —-help output. Do you agree?


> On 31 Aug 2020, at 19:46, Barry Smith <bsmith at petsc.dev> wrote:
> I would make your fix a configure option that is off by default. It is silly that Apple makes you use sudo to tell it that a compiled code SHOULD NOT accept outside connections but they have it all bundled together without enough thought for developers.
>  Barry
>> On Aug 31, 2020, at 4:14 AM, Hapla Vaclav <vaclav.hapla at erdw.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>> On 29 Aug 2020, at 02:03, Hapla Vaclav <vaclav.hapla at erdw.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>>> On 28 Aug 2020, at 22:47, Jed Brown <jed at jedbrown.org> wrote:
>>>> "Hapla  Vaclav" <vaclav.hapla at erdw.ethz.ch> writes:
>>>>> On MacOS, maybe you also have lots of firewall popups appearing/disappearing when running tests like
>>>>> Do you want the application "ex29" to accept incoming network connections?
>>>> Is there a way to express that the application does not need (should not accept) incoming connections?
>>> Oh yes, hadn't thought about before, but it's surely better to _block_ the incoming connections - feels safer for a user at least.
>>> But the way is the same, requiring sudo:
>>> sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add $PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/tests/dm/impls/plex/tests/ex9
>>> sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --block $PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/tests/dm/impls/plex/tests/ex9
>>> Funny enough, these commands don't fail without sudo but they have no effect.
>>>> Normalizing sudo during build/testing seems really bad.
>>> I agree. It shouldn't be a normal part of the makefile. That's why I have been hesitant to create a MR. I think we could
>>> 1. just add an FAQ entry - but the patch can become out-of-date pretty quickly, and instructions without a patch are gonna be tedious
>>> 2. activate this part conditionally, requiring a user's action such as passing a very special variable to makefile
>>> 3. put it into a separate makefile and add a commented out include into gmakefile.test, so that the user has to explicitly uncomment the inclusion - or something like that
>>> 4. something else?
>> Jed, Barry, thoughts here?
>> Thanks,
>> Vaclav
>>> Vaclav

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