[petsc-dev] print statements in fortran interface functions

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Mar 16 21:04:46 CDT 2020

Wrt fortran I/O - you can try adding calls to flush() after that. Similarly C has fflush()


On Mon, 16 Mar 2020, Mark Adams wrote:

> I am trying to debug an application code that works with v3.7 but fails
> with master. The code works for "normal" solvers but for a solver that uses
> FieldSplit it fails. It looks like vectors are not getting created from
> MatCreateVecs with a matrix that is a MatNest (I can't run the code).
> I have put print statements in the interface files to try to see what is
> going on but the print statements seem to disappear somehow. (I added the
> same print statements in my installation of v3.7 to see what is different)
> I was using PetscPrint and then found and example of a Fortran PetscInfo
> and switched to that. I stepped through the code with DDT and see the print
> statements but nothing goes to the output. I did this DDT stuff with
> ex73f90t, which has a MatCreateNest.
> I am completely baffled. Does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Mark

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