[petsc-dev] Truly minimal configure

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Mar 15 10:10:19 CDT 2020

On Sun, 15 Mar 2020, Patrick Sanan wrote:

> I want to generate docs/manualpages/htmlmap as quickly as possible, from scratch (a clone on ReadTheDocs), so I want a fast configure which will let me run "make allcite". 
> The below will work, I think, but I'm curious whether there's an even faster known way.
> Also note that I had to explicitly turn off some MKL stuff, because it's included by default and depends on blaslapack. 
>                 './configure',
>                 '--with-mpi=0',
>                 '--with-blaslapack=0',

I'm surprised this works. I would just do --with-blaslapack-lib='-llapack -lblas' - assuming system blas/lapack are installed.
[Similarly with other option that are known values --with-cc=gcc etc..]

Also you would need sowing,c2html for some of the docs [perhaps not allcite] - the fastest way likely is to have them in PATH

>                 '--with-fortran=0',
>                 '--with-cxx=0',
>                 '--with-mkl_sparse_optimize=0',
>                 '--with-mkl_sparse=0',

And disable the some of the stuff that might be auto-enabled..

config/BuildSystem/config/packages/BlasLapack.py:    self.lookforbydefault    = 1
config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:    self.lookforbydefault = 1
config/BuildSystem/config/packages/X.py:    self.lookforbydefault = 1
config/BuildSystem/config/packages/c2html.py:    self.lookforbydefault  = 1
config/BuildSystem/config/packages/cmake.py:    self.lookforbydefault  = 1
config/BuildSystem/config/packages/cxxlibs.py:    self.lookforbydefault  = 1
config/BuildSystem/config/packages/flibs.py:    self.lookforbydefault  = 1
config/BuildSystem/config/packages/mathlib.py:    self.lookforbydefault  = 1
config/BuildSystem/config/packages/mkl_sparse.py:    self.lookforbydefault = 1
config/BuildSystem/config/packages/mkl_sparse_optimize.py:    self.lookforbydefault = 1
config/BuildSystem/config/packages/pthread.py:    self.lookforbydefault  = 1
config/BuildSystem/config/packages/regex.py:    self.lookforbydefault = 1


./configure --with-cc=gcc --with-fc=0 --with-cxx=0 --with-mpi=0 --with-blaslapack-lib='-llapack -lblas' --with-c2html=1 --with-sowing=1 --with-x=0 --with-cmake=0 --with-pthread=0 --with-regexp=0

However there is some dependency between sowing and fortranstubs [perhaps this needs fixing] - due to this - we still need --with-fc=gfortran


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