[petsc-dev] Bash tool for handling switching between multiple PETSc branches and configures

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 15:07:58 CST 2020

On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 3:52 PM Smith, Barry F. <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

>    A long time ago Oana suggested a tool that allowed switching between
> PETSc configurations after pulls etc that didn't require waiting to
> recompile code or rerun configure. Based on her ideas I finally got
> something that has been behaving reasonably satisfactory for me. Note that
> it is only useful if you work with PETSc in a way that you have multiple
> branches and PETSc arches you are dealing with. If you are essentially
> always in one branch it offers no advantages. (Unfortunately since Fortran
> stubs are stored in the source for branch changes that
> change the stubs the will require recompiles). This is my first public
> release so may have glitches. It saves me tons of time.

Barry, I had the same problem, but it went away when I started using ccache
in front of the compiler for every arch. Does
this not work for you?



>    Put this in your .bashrc file and run source ~/.bashrc  Docs are at the
> bottom.
> #
> #  Utility function used by gitcheckout bash function
> #    uses the basename of the branch to build the PETSC_ARCH
> #
> function branchtoarch () {
>     basename `echo $1 | sed s?/maint?-maint?g` | sed -e s?/?-?g -e
> s?^?arch-?g
> }
> #
> # Used by the git alias provided below; not used directly
> #
> # Implements a git checkout, but preserves any previously compiled (.o)
> code so it won't unneccessariy get recompiled
> #
> # Sets PETSC_ARCH automatically based on the branch name
> #
> # How it works:
> #    1) before changing from the current PETSC_ARCH branch combination it
> deletes all out-dated .o files for that PETSC_ARCH (using make --dry-run to
> find these)
> #    2) after checking into the new PETSC_ARCH branch combination it
> updates the time-stamps of all remaing .o files for the new PETSC_ARCH so
> they are
> #       more recent than any timestamps on the source files that git may
> have changed (it can do this because it knows from 1) that any out-of-date
> #       .o files have already been deleted)
> #
> #   Does not change the timestamps or touch in any way the source code,
> only .o files
> #
> function gitcheckout {
>     new_branch=$1
>     current_branch=`command git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
>     if [ -f ${new_branch} ]; then
>       command git checkout ${new_branch}
>       return 0
>     fi
>     if [ "${new_branch}" == "-b" ]; then
>       command git rev-parse --verify $2 > /dev/null  2>&1
>       if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then
>         echo "Branch you are trying to create $2 already exists, aborting"
>         return 9
>       else
>         # create the new branch, do not yet check it out
>         new_branch=$2
>         command git branch ${new_branch}
>       fi
>     else
>       if [ "${current_branch}" == "${new_branch}" ]; then
>         echo "Already in branch ${new_branch}"
>         return 0
>       fi
>       changes=`command git status --untracked-files=no --porcelain`
>       if [ "${changes}" != "" ]; then
>         echo "You have modified or new files; not changing branches"
>         echo ${changes}
>         return 5
>       fi
>     fi
>     current_arch=`branchtoarch ${current_branch}`
>     new_arch=`branchtoarch ${new_branch}`
>     isbranch=0
>     command git rev-parse --verify ${new_branch} > /dev/null  2>&1
>     if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then
>       isbranch=1
>     else
>       command git rev-parse --verify origin/${new_branch} > /dev/null  2>&1
>       if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then
>         isbranch=1
>       fi
>     fi
>     if [ "${isbranch}" == "0" ]; then
>       echo "Branch ${new_branch} does not exist"
>       return 3
>     fi
>     echo "Checking out branch ${new_branch} and PETSC_ARCH ${new_arch}"
>     if [ "${PETSC_ARCH}" != "${current_arch}" ]; then
>       echo "Current PETSC_ARCH ${PETSC_ARCH} not equal to expected value
> ${current_arch} unable to removed out-dated object files"
>     else
>       #  delete all out-dated .o files
>       if [[ -f ${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/lib/petsc/conf/petscvariables &&
> -d ${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/obj ]]; then
>         pushd ${PETSC_DIR}
>         make --dry-run -f gmakefile  | sed -n
> 's?[[:print:][:cntrl:]]*-o[[:blank:]]\([-[:alpha:]/]*\.o\)[[:print:][:cntrl:]]*?\1?gp'
> | xargs rm -f
>         popd
>       fi
>     fi
>     command git checkout ${new_branch}
>     if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
>       echo "Unable to checkout branch ${new_branch}"
>       return 4
>     fi
>     export PETSC_ARCH=${new_arch}
>     #  update the timestamps of all .o that remain for this PETSC_ARCH and
> the library
>     if [[ -f ${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/lib/petsc/conf/petscvariables &&
> -d ${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/obj ]]; then
>       find ${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/obj -type f -name *.o -exec touch -m
> {} +
>       touch -m ${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/lib/libpetsc*
> #      /usr/bin/dsymutil libpetsc.3.011.3.dylib
>     fi
> }
> #
> #  An alias for git checkout that manages resetting the PETSC_ARCH to the
> branch name and preserving compiled code associated with the branch checked
> out
> #
> #  Oana suggested the idea to save waiting for code to recompile after
> changing branches and the use of touch to force code to not get recompiled
> unnecessarily
> #
> #  Usage:
> #     git checkout branchname
> #
> #  Examples:
> #      $ git checkout next
> #          Checking out branch next and PETSC_ARCH arch-none
> #          Switched to branch 'next'
> #          ~/Src/petsc (next<) arch-next
> #
> #      $ git checkout master
> #          Checking out branch master and PETSC_ARCH arch-master
> #          Switched to branch 'master'
> #          ~/Src/petsc (master=) arch-master
> #
> #      $ git checkout -b barry/mynewbranch
> #           Switched to branch 'barry/mynewbranch'
> #           ~/Src/petsc (barry/mynewbranch=) arch-mynewbranch
> #
> # Uses the bash function gitcheckout
> #
> function git {
>   groot=`command git rev-parse --absolute-git-dir 2> /dev/null`
>   if [[ "$1" == "checkout" && "$@" != *"--help"* && "${PETSC_DIR}" != ""
> && "${PETSC_DIR}/.git" == "${groot}" ]]; then
>     shift 1
>     if [ "$1" == "git" ]; then
>       shift 2
>     fi
>     gitcheckout "$@"
>   else
>     command git "$@"
>   fi
> }

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
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