[petsc-dev] ASM for each field solve on GPUs

Mark Adams mfadams at lbl.gov
Thu Dec 31 07:40:17 CST 2020

Humm, I have two fields (Nf) here:

/usr/local/Cellar/mpich/3.3.2_1/bin/mpiexec -n 1 ./ex2 -ex2_test_type
spitzer -ex2_connor_e_field_units -dm_landau_Ez 0 -petscspace_degree 3
-dm_landau_type p4est -dm_landau_ion_masses 1 -dm_landau_ion_charges 1
-dm_landau_thermal_temps 4,4 -dm_landau_n 1,1 -ts_monitor -ts_adapt_monitor
-snes_rtol 1.e-14 -snes_stol 1.e-14 -snes_monitor -snes_converged_reason
-snes_max_it 15 -ts_type arkimex -ts_exact_final_time stepover
-ts_arkimex_type 1bee -ts_max_snes_failures -1 -ts_rtol 1e-3 -ts_dt .1e-1
-ts_adapt_clip .25,1.1 -ts_max_time 100 -ts_max_steps 1
-ts_adapt_scale_solve_failed 0.75 -ts_adapt_time_step_increase_delay 5
-pc_type lu -ksp_type preonly -dm_landau_amr_levels_max 8
-dm_landau_amr_post_refine 0 -dm_landau_domain_radius 5 -ex2_plot_dt 1
-info :dm -ts_adapt_dt_min 1e-4 -ts_adapt_dt_max 1. -dm_preallocate_only
-ex2_impurity_source_type pulse -ex2_pulse_start_time 32
-ex2_pulse_width_time 15 -ex2_pulse_rate 2e+0 -ex2_t_cold 1
-dm_landau_device_type cpu -pc_type asm -sub_pc_type fieldsplit
-sub_pc_fieldsplit_type additive -sub_fieldsplit_0_pc_type lu -ksp_monitor
[0] ProcessOptions(): num_species set to number of thermal temps provided
masses:        e= 9.109e-31; ions in proton mass units:    1.000e+00
 0.000e+00 ...
charges:       e=-1.602e-19; charges in elementary units:  1.000e+00
thermal T (K): e= 4.642e+07 i= 4.642e+07 imp= 0.000e+00. v_0= 2.652e+07
n_0= 1.000e+20 t_0= 4.630e-05 domain= 5.000e+00
[0] ProcessREOptions(): Num electrons from ions=1., T_cold= 1.160e+07, ion
potential= 1.500e+01, E_z= 0.000e+00 v_0= 2.652e+07
CalculateE j0=0. Ec = 0.0509908
[0] DMGetDMSNES(): Creating new DMSNES
[0] DMGetDMTS(): Creating new DMTS
[0] DMGetDMSNESWrite(): Copying DMSNES due to write
0 TS dt 0.01 time 0.

*0) species-0: charge density= -1.6022862392985e+01 z-momentum=
-1.4067414979736e-19 energy=  9.6063873494138e+04  0) species-1: charge
density=  1.6029890912678e+01 z-momentum= -8.1631830255319e-18 energy=
 0) Total: charge density=  7.0285196929767e-03, momentum=
-8.3038571753292e-18, energy=  1.9239749178961e+05 (m_i[0]/m_e = 1835.47,
50 cells)
testSpitzer    0) time= 0.000e+00 n_e=  1.000e+00 E=  0.000e+00 J=
-1.495e-07 J_re= -0.000e+00 0 % Te_kev=  3.995e+00 Z_eff=1. E/J to eta
ratio=-0. (diff=1e+10) constant E
[0] DMGetDMKSP(): Creating new DMKSP
[0]FormLandau: 800 IPs, 50 cells, totDim=32, Nb=16, Nq=16,
elemMatSize=1024, dim=2, Tab: Nb=16 *Nf=2 *Np=16 cdim=2 N=896 N+hang=1176
    0 SNES Function norm 4.974988592014e-03
[0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
[0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc has generated inconsistent data

*[0]PETSC ERROR: Unhandled case, must have at least two fields, not 1*[0]PETSC
ERROR: See https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html for trouble
[0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Development GIT revision: v3.14.2-353-gc57b1f101b
 GIT Date: 2020-12-27 11:51:24 -0600
[0]PETSC ERROR: ./ex2 on a arch-macosx-gnu-g named MarksMac-302.local by
markadams Thu Dec 31 08:35:49 2020
[0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options
--with-mpi-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/mpich/3.3.2_1 COPTFLAGS="-g -O0"
CXXOPTFLAGS="-g -O0" --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1
--download-kokkos=1 --download-kokkos-kernels=1 --download-p4est=1
--with-zlib=1 --with-make-np=4 --download-hdf5=1 -with-cuda=0 --with-x=0
--with-debugging=1 PETSC_ARCH=arch-macosx-gnu-g --with-64-bit-indices=0
--with-openmp=0 --with-ctable=0
[0]PETSC ERROR: #1 PCFieldSplitSetDefaults() line 571 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #2 PCSetUp_FieldSplit() line 614 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #3 PCSetUp() line 1015 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #4 KSPSetUp() line 406 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #5 PCSetUpOnBlocks_ASM() line 437 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #6 PCSetUpOnBlocks() line 1046 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #7 KSPSetUpOnBlocks() line 214 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #8 KSPSolve_Private() line 727 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #9 KSPSolve() line 963 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #10 SNESSolve_NEWTONLS() line 225 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #11 SNESSolve() line 4563 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #12 TSStep_ARKIMEX() line 845 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #13 TSStep() line 3771 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #14 TSSolve() line 4168 in
[0]PETSC ERROR: #15 main() line 774 in ex2.c
[0]PETSC ERROR: PETSc Option Table entries:
[0]PETSC ERROR: -dm_landau_amr_levels_max 8
[0]PETSC ERROR: -dm_landau_amr_post_refine 0
[0]PETSC ERROR: -dm_landau_device_type cpu
[0]PETSC ERROR: -dm_landau_domain_radius 5
[0]PETSC ERROR: -dm_landau_Ez 0
[0]PETSC ERROR: -dm_landau_ion_charges 1
[0]PETSC ERROR: -dm_landau_ion_masses 1
[0]PETSC ERROR: -dm_landau_n 1,1
[0]PETSC ERROR: -dm_landau_thermal_temps 4,4
[0]PETSC ERROR: -dm_landau_type p4est
[0]PETSC ERROR: -dm_preallocate_only
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ex2_connor_e_field_units
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ex2_impurity_source_type pulse
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ex2_plot_dt 1
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ex2_pulse_rate 2e+0
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ex2_pulse_start_time 32
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ex2_pulse_width_time 15
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ex2_t_cold 1
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ex2_test_type spitzer
[0]PETSC ERROR: -info :dm
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ksp_monitor
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ksp_type preonly
[0]PETSC ERROR: -pc_type asm
[0]PETSC ERROR: -petscspace_degree 3
[0]PETSC ERROR: -snes_converged_reason
[0]PETSC ERROR: -snes_max_it 15
[0]PETSC ERROR: -snes_monitor
[0]PETSC ERROR: -snes_rtol 1.e-14
[0]PETSC ERROR: -snes_stol 1.e-14
[0]PETSC ERROR: -sub_fieldsplit_0_pc_type lu
[0]PETSC ERROR: -sub_pc_fieldsplit_type additive
[0]PETSC ERROR: -sub_pc_type fieldsplit
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_adapt_clip .25,1.1
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_adapt_dt_max 1.
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_adapt_dt_min 1e-4
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_adapt_monitor
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_adapt_scale_solve_failed 0.75
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_adapt_time_step_increase_delay 5
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_arkimex_type 1bee
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_dt .1e-1
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_exact_final_time stepover
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_max_snes_failures -1
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_max_steps 1
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_max_time 100
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_monitor
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_rtol 1e-3
[0]PETSC ERROR: -ts_type arkimex

On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 12:30 AM Jed Brown <jed at jedbrown.org> wrote:

> Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov> writes:
> > I think the first thing that I need to do is get ASM working on the CPU
> in
> > my code as a direct solver.
> >
> > FieldSplit was mentioned the way to do this. How would I do that?
> -pc_type asm -sub_pc_type fieldsplit -sub_pc_fieldsplit_type additive
> -sub_fieldsplit_0_pc_type lu
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