[petsc-dev] gitlab migration for pull request

Pierre Gosselet gosselet at lmt.ens-cachan.fr
Wed Sep 11 08:18:17 CDT 2019

Dear all,
I am sorry, I have not understood how to migrate Push Request from
bitbucket to gitlab.

I think I need the equivalent of
git remote set-url origin https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc.git
applied to my development branch (I see that my branch's remote is
incorrect in .git/config).

Or am I supposed to make a fresh fork and MR from gitlab ?

thank you for your help.
best regards

Pierre Gosselet
CR CNRS (research agent) 
LMT -- ENS Paris-Saclay/UMR8535
61 av. du président Wilson, 94235 CACHAN
tel: +33 1 47405333

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