[petsc-dev] Parmetis bug

Mark Adams mfadams at lbl.gov
Sun Nov 10 09:34:08 CST 2019

Fande, the problem is k below seems to index beyond the end of htable,
resulting in a crazy m and a segv on the last line below.

I don't have a clean valgrind machine now, that is what is needed if no one
has seen anything like this. I could add a test in a MR and get the
pipeline to do it.

void CreateCoarseGraphNoMask(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t cnvtxs,
         idx_t *match)
  idx_t j, k, m, istart, iend, nvtxs, nedges, ncon, cnedges, v, u, dovsize;
  idx_t *xadj, *vwgt, *vsize, *adjncy, *adjwgt;
  idx_t *cmap, *htable;
  idx_t *cxadj, *cvwgt, *cvsize, *cadjncy, *cadjwgt;
  graph_t *cgraph;

  dovsize = (ctrl->objtype == METIS_OBJTYPE_VOL ? 1 : 0);

  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_startcputimer(ctrl->ContractTmr));

  nvtxs   = graph->nvtxs;
  ncon    = graph->ncon;
  xadj    = graph->xadj;
  vwgt    = graph->vwgt;
  vsize   = graph->vsize;
  adjncy  = graph->adjncy;
  adjwgt  = graph->adjwgt;
  cmap    = graph->cmap;

  /* Initialize the coarser graph */
  cgraph = SetupCoarseGraph(graph, cnvtxs, dovsize);
  cxadj    = cgraph->xadj;
  cvwgt    = cgraph->vwgt;
  cvsize   = cgraph->vsize;
  cadjncy  = cgraph->adjncy;
  cadjwgt  = cgraph->adjwgt;

  htable = iset(cnvtxs, -1, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, cnvtxs));

  cxadj[0] = cnvtxs = cnedges = 0;
  for (v=0; v<nvtxs; v++) {
    if ((u = match[v]) < v)

    ASSERT(cmap[v] == cnvtxs);
    ASSERT(cmap[match[v]] == cnvtxs);

    if (ncon == 1)
      cvwgt[cnvtxs] = vwgt[v];
      icopy(ncon, vwgt+v*ncon, cvwgt+cnvtxs*ncon);

    if (dovsize)
      cvsize[cnvtxs] = vsize[v];

    nedges = 0;

    istart = xadj[v];
    iend   = xadj[v+1];
    for (j=istart; j<iend; j++) {
      k = cmap[adjncy[j]];
      if ((m = htable[k]) == -1) {
        cadjncy[nedges] = k;
        cadjwgt[nedges] = adjwgt[j];
        htable[k] = nedges++;
      else {
        cadjwgt[m] += adjwgt[j];

On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 1:35 AM Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov> wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 10:51 PM Fande Kong <fdkong.jd at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> Thanks for reporting this bug. I was surprised because we have sufficient
>> heavy tests in moose using partition weights and do not have any issue so
>> far.
> I have been pounding on this code with elasticity and have not seen this
> issue. I am now looking at Lapacianas and I only see it with pretty large
> problems. The example below is pretty minimal (eg, it works with 16 cores
> and it works with -dm_refine 4). I have reproduced this on Cori, SUMMIT and
> my laptop.
>> I will take a shot on this.
> Thanks, I'll try to take a look at it also. I have seen it in DDT, but did
> not dig further. It looked like a typical segv in ParMetis.
>> Fande,
>> On Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 3:08 PM Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov> wrote:
>>> snes/ex13 is getting a ParMetis segv with GAMG and coarse grid
>>> repartitioning. Below shows the branch and how to run it.
>>> I've tried valgrind on Cori but it gives a lot of false positives. I've
>>> seen this error in DDT but I have not had a chance to dig and try to fix
>>> it. At least I know it has something to do with weights.
>>> If anyone wants to take a shot at it feel free. This bug rarely happens.
>>> The changes use weights and are just a few lines of code (from 1.5 years
>>> ago):
>>> 12:08 (0455fb9fec...)|BISECTING ~/Codes/petsc$ git bisect bad
>>> 0455fb9fecf69cf5cf35948c84d3837e5a427e2e is the first bad commit
>>> commit 0455fb9fecf69cf5cf35948c84d3837e5a427e2e
>>> Author: Fande Kong <fdkong.jd at gmail.com>
>>> Date:   Thu Jun 21 18:21:19 2018 -0600
>>>     Let parmetis and ptsotch take edge weights and vertex weights
>>>  src/mat/partition/impls/pmetis/pmetis.c | 7 +++++++
>>>  src/mat/partition/impls/scotch/scotch.c | 6 +++---
>>>  2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>>> > mpiexec -n 32 ./ex13 -cells 2,4,4, -dm_refine 5 -simplex 0 -dim 3
>>> -potential_petscspace_degree 1 -potential_petscspace_order 1 -pc_type gamg
>>> -petscpartitioner_type simple -pc_gamg_repartition
>>> true -check_pointer_intensity 0
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