[petsc-dev] Sowing: proposed change to allow single-entry lists on man pages

Smith, Barry F. bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Sat Jun 15 12:06:06 CDT 2019

> On Jun 15, 2019, at 11:57 AM, Patrick Sanan <patrick.sanan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Great! I'll leave that commit there for reference, but as you say it would be even nicer (but more coding) to avoid needing to explicitly mark the starts and ends of lists.

   Yeah, I only remember vaguely that initially we didn't use the + and - on the lists and there was some issue so they were introduced. 


> Am Sa., 15. Juni 2019 um 17:54 Uhr schrieb Smith, Barry F. <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov>:
>   Patrick (and Bill)
>      Good timing. Bill is actually updating Sowing now and could perhaps fix this glitch. Currently we use a . for a single entry in the list and I'd hate to have to change them all the -. Likely it is possible to fix the formatting for the . case to have the same indent as the + . - cases.
>    Barry
> > On Jun 15, 2019, at 10:15 AM, Patrick Sanan via petsc-dev <petsc-dev at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> > 
> > Lists on the man pages don't seem to be able to have a single entry, because sowing requires you to start lists with "+" and end them with "-", requiring at least two entries.
> > 
> > This leads to ugly-looking indentation for man pages for functions with a single input or output parameter, e.g. https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-dev/docs/manualpages/DMSTAG/DMStagVecGetArrayDOF.html
> > 
> > I think that this can be remedied with a small change to sowing (doctext), to interpret a lone '-' as opening a list (and then closing it after one entry): https://bitbucket.org/psanan/sowing/commits/780ea53824388e8c6089ae2d6210332c63935edb
> > 
> > (Posting this here since I'm not sure how closely the bitbucket.org/petsc/pkg-sowing repository is monitored)

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