[petsc-dev] Periodic meshes with <3 elements per edge?

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Wed Aug 14 10:46:13 CDT 2019

Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> writes:

> On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 7:35 PM Stefano Zampini <stefano.zampini at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Aug 14, 2019, at 1:19 AM, Jed Brown via petsc-dev <
>> petsc-dev at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> [Cc: petsc-dev]
>> Also, why is our current mode of localized coordinates preferred over
>> the coordinate DM being non-periodic?  Is the intent to preserve that
>> for every point in a DM, the point is also valid in the coordinate DM?
>> Yes.
>> Can there be "gaps" in a chart?
>> Yes.
>> I've been digging around in the implementation because there is no
>> documentation of localized coordinates, but it feels more complicated
>> than I'd have hoped.
>> A while ago, “localization” of coordinates was supporting only very simple
>> cases, where periodic points were identified though the ‘maxCell’ parameter
>> (used to compute  the proper cell coordinates). I think this is the reason
>> why you need at least 3 cells to support periodicity, since the BoxMesh
>> constructor uses the maxCell trick.
> This was my original conception since it was the only fully automatic way
> to apply periodicity on an unstructured mesh that
> was read from a file or generator.

I take it this is in reference to this logic.

PetscErrorCode DMLocalizeCoordinateReal_Internal(DM dm, PetscInt dim, const PetscReal anchor[], const PetscReal in[], PetscReal out[])
  PetscInt d;

  if (!dm->maxCell) {
    for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) out[d] = in[d];
  } else {
    for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
      if ((dm->bdtype[d] != DM_BOUNDARY_NONE) && (PetscAbsReal(anchor[d] - in[d]) > dm->maxCell[d])) {
        out[d] = anchor[d] > in[d] ? dm->L[d] + in[d] : in[d] - dm->L[d];
      } else {
        out[d] = in[d];

This implies that the mesh be aligned to coordinates (at least in the
periodic dimension) and that dm->L[d] be set (perhaps by the user?).
And if the mesh generator specifies periodicity, as with Gmsh below,
this logic isn't needed.

>> Now, you can also inform Plex about periodicity without the maxCell trick
>> , see e.g.
>> https://bitbucket.org/petsc/petsc/src/6a494beb09767ff86fff34131928e076224d7569/src/dm/impls/plex/plexgmsh.c#lines-1468.
>> In this case, it is user responsibility to populate the cell part of the
>> coordinate section with the proper localized coordinates.
> This is a great addition from Stefano and Lisandro, but note that it is
> nontrivial. The user has to identify the
> periodic boundary.

An (unstructured) mesh generator has to support periodicity anyway to
generate a mesh with that topology.

>> The DMPlex code fully support coordinates localized only in those cells
>> touching the periodic boundary. (I’m not a fan of this, since it requires a
>> lot of ‘if’ ‘else’ switches )
> I believe that Lisandro wanted this to cut down on redundant storage of
> coordinates.

What was the rationale for having these special cells with
localized/DG-style coordinates versus storing coordinates as a
non-periodic continuous field?  The local points could be distinct for
both fields and coordinates, with the global SF de-duplicating the
periodic points for fields, versus leaving them distinct for
coordinates.  (Global coordinates are often not used.)  It seems like a
simpler model to me, and would eliminate a lot of if/else statements,
but you've been thinking about this more than me.

>> I think domain_box_size 1 is not possible, we can probably allow
>> domain_box_size 2.
> Technically, now a single box is possible with higher order coordinate
> spaces, but you have to do everything by hand
> and it completely untested.

Why would higher order coordinate spaces be needed?  I could localize
coordinates for all cells.

I'm asking about this partly for spectral discretizations and partly as
a hack to use code written for 3D to solve 2D problems.

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