[petsc-dev] preprocessor for Fortran?
Balay, Satish
balay at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Aug 11 19:34:01 CDT 2019
On Sun, 11 Aug 2019, Smith, Barry F. via petsc-dev wrote:
> Matt and Satish,
> Years ago we had to sometimes use the C preprocessor for preprocessor Fortran code. Isn't that no longer needed?
Don't remember when we removed this. Previously we needed this only for xlf - because it didn't support -D
But then - we stopped using -D flags as part of the build. And when needed this for externalpackages - we
use checkFortranDefineCompilerOption() to set the flag correctly for either ['-D', '-WF,-D']
> In FC.py there is
> class Preprocessor(config.compile.C.Preprocessor):
> '''The Fortran preprocessor, which now is just the C preprocessor'''
> def __init__(self, argDB):
> config.compile.C.Preprocessor.__init__(self, argDB)
> self.language = 'FC'
> self.targetExtension = '.F90'
> self.includeDirectories = sets.Set()
> return
> class Compiler(config.compile.processor.Processor):
> '''The Fortran compiler'''
> which implies that C preprocessor is still handing around the Fortran. Now when all the Fortran compiler flags are generated with getFlags() it seems to include those from CPPFLAGS?
> Is this correct now? I don't think it should be? Should there be a separate FCCPPFLAGS? Bad things happen in the current situation when I set CPPFLAGS needed for clang but not for gfortran when MPICH is configured the CPPFLAGS are passed to the FCFLAGS which breaks things.
I think things CPP was a bit central - and used with both Fortran and Cxx.
But at some point CXXPP and CXXPPFLAGS were added [but I'm not sure if it was correctly used.]
> I cannot find the exact line of code when the FFLAGS and CPPFLAGS are merged together for Fortran but I assume it is
I see its in getPreprocessorFlagsName() in config/BuildSystem/config/base.py
> def getFlags(self):
> '''Returns a string with the flags specified for running this processor.'''
> if not hasattr(self, '_flags'):
> flagsName = self.flagsName[:]
> if self.name == self.compiler.name:
> flagsName.extend(self.compiler.flagsName)
> if hasattr(self, 'configCompilers'):
> flags = ' '.join([getattr(self.configCompilers, name) for name in flagsName])
> else:
> flags = ' '.join([self.argDB[name] for name in flagsName])
> return flags
> return self._flags
> flags = property(getFlags, config.compile.processor.Processor.setFlags, doc = 'The flags for the executable')
> How can this be fixed?
I pushed some changes to balay/add-FPPFLAGS branch. This appears to
work for me. But its likely that I don't understand all the
inter-dependencies between these options - so it might still be
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