[petsc-dev] On remaining libMesh-PETsc fieldsplit interface cleanup

Boris Boutkov borisbou at buffalo.edu
Mon Apr 1 20:29:59 CDT 2019

Ok, I think I understand the strategy. It does sound easy enough, let me 
just clean up a couple of things off my plate first and then I can give 
this a swing.

Thanks again for the info,

- Boris

On 4/1/19 9:19 PM, Matthew Knepley wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 9:12 PM Boris Boutkov via petsc-dev 
> <petsc-dev at mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-dev at mcs.anl.gov>> wrote:
>     Hello all,
>     I've been working on the libMesh - PETSc interface for utilizing
>     gmg/fieldsplit on the command line by creating DMShells; things
>     are seemingly in pretty good shape at this point, so thanks much
>     for the support along the way!
>     The last lingering issue of the implementation is that I still
>     have a little bit of dependency on PETSc private/dmimpl.h. In
>     short, during our implementation of DMCreateSubDM I try and get
>     some of the parent DMs function pointers, specifically
>     dm->ops->{coarsen, refine, createinterpolation,
>     createrestriction,and createsubdm}, which then I set for the subDM
>     using DMShellSet* by passing in the parent DM pointer directly.
>     I'd like to remove this private dmimpl.h dependency but removing
>     the header gives me compilation errors - "invalid use of
>     incomplete type" pointing to PETsc DM struct for the above calls.
>     As far as I understand it, this means that I would need public API
>     similar to the DMShellSet* methods but now instead DMShellGet*.
>     If the above's the case, any reason this doesn't exist yet outside
>     of lack of prior need? And how much work would introducing this
>     require? Or of course please let me know if there's some simple
>     way around this that I may be missing.
> No, we just needed someone to ask. We will do this exactly like we do 
> MATSHELL. We have to create an Enum that indexes
> the DM methods. Then you can pass the Enum value when you Set/Get the 
> methods. Its not hard, just some coding. Want to try :)
>    Thanks,
>      Matt
>     Thanks as always for your time,
>     - Boris
> -- 
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their 
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which 
> their experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ 
> <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
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