[petsc-dev] Our pull request work flow is terrible and horrible

Scott Kruger kruger at txcorp.com
Mon Jan 15 11:09:29 CST 2018

On 1/12/18 9:53 PM, Jed Brown wrote:
> "Smith, Barry F." <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> writes:
>>     Sadly you cannot reply to previous comments for Github PRs, there
>>     is just a mass of unorganized previous comments. If this is fixed
>>     then Github becomes more desirable looking.
> I think it was an intentional choice to try to keep discussions on
> topic, while fully threaded discussions tend to fragment into
> sub-discussions.  Supporting that fragmentation is something email does
> quite well.  FWIW, GitLab has a two-level threading concept (instead of
> arbitrarily deep nesting).
> I usually review commits and use line comments for specific issues.
> Github does that fine.  That general discussion of issue is not threaded
> is mildly annoying sometimes, but in my experience not actually an
> issue.

I find it super annoying myself if you have more than
1 person comment on a PR.  You are constantly having
to use @person - #comment to keep the conversations
about issues straight.

It is definitely not a show stopper, but I have loved
BitBucket's threaded conversations personally.


Tech-X Corporation               kruger at txcorp.com
5621 Arapahoe Ave, Suite A       Phone: (720) 974-1841
Boulder, CO 80303                Fax:   (303) 448-7756

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