[petsc-dev] PETSc statistics

Sean Farley sean at farley.io
Thu Jun 8 17:49:59 CDT 2017

Sean Farley <sean at farley.io> writes:

> Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> writes:
>>    Sean,
>>      Very cool maps. Thanks for the b-day present 
> :-D
>>      It is strange that there are many archive downloads from the US and none from elsewhere. Maybe there is some single weird client (spack?) doing these downloads? Can you get exact details on who/where the requests came from? 
> I thought the same, too. This might be a bug in our proxy server not
> logging the correct source ip (but I was able to find my home ip, so I
> dunno).

The query I use for figuring out the ip for archiving is definitely
using our proxy. The number is right, though, just not the region.
Trying to figure out a fix.
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