[petsc-dev] Compilation with ESSL SMP

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Feb 20 10:26:47 CST 2017

On Mon, 20 Feb 2017, Barry Smith wrote:

> > On Feb 20, 2017, at 5:13 AM, Pierre Jolivet <pierre.jolivet at enseeiht.fr> wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > It looks like the configure does not directly handle libesslsmpbg instead of libesslbg. On the other hand, it handles both libmkl_intel_thread and libmkl_sequential.
> > Is there a reason for such a limitation? (I'd like to have direct solvers linked with threaded BLAS).
>    There is no reason. We wrote the essl interface many years ago and actually don't even have access to it any more. If you can make the additions and provide a pull request we'd be happy to include it.

The defaults are just that - defaults.

One should use whatever blaslapack that suitable with the option --with-blas-lapack-lib option.

Wrt libmkl_intel_thread vs libmkl_sequential - configure defaults to
libmkl_sequential for reqular use.

libmkl_intel_thread is picked up only when MKL pardiso is requested
[so the assumption here is aware of pardiso requirements wrt

I see mkl check for windows is also looking for the thread version -
don't remember the reason..


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