[petsc-dev] PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH: used to distinguish between multiple applications ?
Matthew Knepley
knepley at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 21:11:38 CDT 2017
On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 7:08 PM, Kevin Buckley <
kevin.buckley.ecs.vuw.ac.nz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Been a while since I have(re)installed a PETSc, but I have just
> come into install it as a dependecy for a different package to
> that for which I have installed it in the past.
> The original package has a requirement for
> --with-clanguage=cxx
Also, this is almost never needed. Are you sure the package needs it, or
just uses it due to history.
> whereas the current one doesn't, but it does have a requirement for
> different external packages, eg hypre.
> In terms of laying out PETSc, can (should ?) one use PETSC_DIR
> and PETSC_ARCH: to combine everything PETSc-related under one,
> top-level, say
> /path/to/PETSC/3.7.5
> with subdirs, or do the differing requirements demand two different
> "top-level "
> /path/to/PETSC/3.7.5/Package1
> /path/to/PETSC/3.7.5/Package2
> hierachies, each then with duplicated files across the two?
> Any pointers welcome,
> Kevin
> ---
> Kevin M. Buckley
> eScience Consultant
> School of Engineering and Computer Science
> Victoria University of Wellington
> New Zealand
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