[petsc-dev] strangness in Chebyshev estimate of eigenvalues

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Wed May 25 11:44:34 CDT 2016

On Wed, 25 May 2016, Mark Adams wrote:

> I did 'git rebase -i master', in jed's branch and need to fix about 1/2
> dozen failures to apply patch.  I fixed them, but this does not seem like
> what I should be doing.  I also had many commits that were not mine, I
> guess because I pulled from master.  I squashed about 8 of mine and kept 2
> of them.  I pushed this all back to master in jed/mark/snes-ex56c.

Jed had already rebaed - and 'jed/mark/snes-ex56c' already had all
your commits.  So your attempt to rebase 'jed/mark/snes-ex56c' over
'mark/snes-ex56c' (or merge?)  doesn't make sense wrt workflow.

> > Mark - perhaps its best if you are not an integrator - and always go
> > through PR process - so that someone [usually Barry, Jed, Matt] can
> > verify any issues - before feture branches are merged to
> > maint/master/next?
> >
> Sure, I was just doing what I thought I was supposed to do. I made at least
> two errors here: 1) don't pull from master, 2) pull from Matt's branch and
> not next. (1) is new to me, and (2) was being sloppy, admittedly.

Also - you are modifying default 'commit message' in merge commits. I see
you've done this again in your push to jed/mark/snes-ex56c

commit e4e9dc53ef29cde6db6677596a30c1552e9bc234
Merge: 5a3406a f2cb842
Author: Mark Adams <cal2princeton at yahoo.com>
Date:   Wed May 25 09:05:23 2016 -0700

    merge after pull

As mentioned before - please do the following [assumig you want to
continue your work on mark/snes-ex56c]

git checkout mark/snes-ex56c
git reset --hard f2cb8422898d35ef96e146caa3a95b2f879b25f1
[I'm explicitly listing commit-id here - since the brach jed/mark/snes-ex56c is changed]

or I can do this - and you can delete/recreate mark/snes-ex56c


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