[petsc-dev] git repo branches housekeeping

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jun 9 20:28:21 CDT 2015

On Tue, 9 Jun 2015, Satish Balay wrote:

> I've deleted all deveopment branches that are already merged into
> maint (v3.6) from https://bitbucket.org/petsc/petsc
> However if you wish to remove these branches from your clone - it has
> to be done manually (in each clone).
> To get this list of branches to delete - you can do:
> git branch --merged v3.6 |egrep -v " (maint|master|next)" > branches_to_delete
> After *verifying* the list is correct - and ok to delete - they can be deleted with:
> git branch -d `cat branches_to_delete`
> And to sync the [deleted] remove branch list info - you can do:

Ops - meant to say 'sync the [deleted] remote branch list info'


> git fetch
> git remote prune origin
> For more housekeeping - look at the remaining local and remote
> branches and figure-out what to do. [perhaps some of them are
> intermediate branches during rebase - or abandoned features that
> should be deleted]. For my branches - I would do:
> git branch
> git branch -r |grep balay
> Satish
> ----------------
> reference for self:
> $ git branch -r --merged v3.6 |egrep  -v origin/\(maint\|master\|next\) > remote_branches_to_delete
> <edit 'remote_branches_to_delete' and change 'origin/foobar' to ':foobar'>
> $ git push -u origin `cat remote_branches_to_delete`
> To git at bitbucket.org:petsc/petsc.git
>  - [deleted]         balay/add-clean
>  - [deleted]         balay/add-f2003-derived-class-ex
>  - [deleted]         balay/atpesc-tutorial-2014
>  - [deleted]         balay/build-pkgs-without-wall
>  - [deleted]         balay/enable-cygwin-threads
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-ISConcatenate-memleak
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-baij-dup-proto
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-batch-sdot
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-chaco-blas-test
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-ctetgen-build
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-ctetgen-downloadURLSetByUser
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-glibc-2.20_DEFAULT_SOURCE
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-missing-proto-test
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-moab-optionalpkgs
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-openmpi-sf
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-scalapack-to-use-f2cblas
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-suitesparse-32bit-bug
>  - [deleted]         balay/fix-win-f2c-mdd
>  - [deleted]         balay/split-mpi4py-build-log
>  - [deleted]         balay/superlu_dist_4.0
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-Elemental-0.85
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-SuiteSparse-4.4.3
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-configure-lib-search
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-etags
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-git-checks
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-gnumake-check
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-hdf5
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-hypre-2.10.0b
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-mpich-3.1.3
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-pastix_5.2.2.20
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-petsc4py-test
>  - [deleted]         balay/update-scotch_6.0.3-new
>  - [deleted]         barry/add-casts-for-suitsparse-64bitindices
>  - [deleted]         barry/add-ksp-total-iterations/master
>  - [deleted]         barry/add-snes-monitor-ksp
>  - [deleted]         barry/add-some-matsolveforward-back
>  - [deleted]         barry/add-timeout-nag
>  - [deleted]         barry/allow-nonsquare-schurcomplement
>  - [deleted]         barry/allow-null-vecsetvalues
>  - [deleted]         barry/always-include-complex
>  - [deleted]         barry/asmunder/DMDA-fortran-example
>  - [deleted]         barry/change-ilu-default-shift
>  - [deleted]         barry/changes-mpipy-handle-mpifh
>  - [deleted]         barry/check-cuda-compiler-only-when-needed
>  - [deleted]         barry/check-mpi-include
>  - [deleted]         barry/clarify-readVecMatIS-PetscBinaryIO
>  - [deleted]         barry/clean-gamg
>  - [deleted]         barry/cleanup-blaslapack
>  - [deleted]         barry/docs-matblocksize
>  - [deleted]         barry/download-trilinos
>  - [deleted]         barry/dynamic-matsolverpackageregister
>  - [deleted]         barry/error-on-64bitindices-with-ml
>  - [deleted]         barry/error-print-options
>  - [deleted]         barry/erroronbaddmlocaltoglobal_da
>  - [deleted]         barry/experiment
>  - [deleted]         barry/feature-bargraph
>  - [deleted]         barry/feature-configure-allow-environment-vars
>  - [deleted]         barry/feature-hdf5-flexible-initial-dimension
>  - [deleted]         barry/feature-http-in-manualpages
>  - [deleted]         barry/feature-vec-lock
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-MatLoad_MPIDense_DenseInFile
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-apple-install
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-ascii-vtk-output
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-bjacobi-vector-lengths
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-complex-petscmath
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-damp-not-one-pcapplyrichardson
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-directory-layout
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-dmda-1d-mirror
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-dmda-creatematrix-large-nc
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-dmlocaltoglobal-insert
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-dmrestorexxvector
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-fortran-log-flops
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-fortran-pcfieldsplitsetis
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-ftn-custom-continuation
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-gamg-preallocation-block
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-getvecs
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-git-in-configure
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-hdf5
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-hdf5-complex
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-inserting-new-nonzero-column-location
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-install-bindirectory
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-ios
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-islocaltoglobalmappingcreateis-with-blocksize
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-isltogmappingapplybs
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-ksp-fcg
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-ksp-fcg-trunction-type
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-kspgetvecs-with-dmshell
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-matdiagonalset
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-matgetdiagonalblock
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-matgetrowmax-fortran
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-matload-mpidense-denseinfile
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-matload-uneven-rows
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-matmultadd-shell
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-matsetsize-matload
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-matsettype-cleanup/master
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-memoryallocation-matsor-seqbaij
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-mg-interpolate-provided
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-module
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-monitorlg
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-options-default
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-pc-reuse-preconditioner-bjacobi
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-petsc-objects-log
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-petsc4py-py
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-petscobjectviewfromoptions
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-prefix-installs
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-sdot-handling
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-setters
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-tao-petsc-c-begin
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-usage-with-mpidatatypenull
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-valgrind
>  - [deleted]         barry/fix-vecload-group-handling
>  - [deleted]         barry/hwloc
>  - [deleted]         barry/improve-afterimage
>  - [deleted]         barry/improve-nullspace-handling
>  - [deleted]         barry/improve-pcamgcreategraph
>  - [deleted]         barry/mv-tao-cpcg-kspcreate
>  - [deleted]         barry/namespace-install
>  - [deleted]         barry/no-warning-for-overwritten-environmental-variable
>  - [deleted]         barry/objects-dump
>  - [deleted]         barry/optimize-dmlocaltolocal_da
>  - [deleted]         barry/optimize-matdiagonalset
>  - [deleted]         barry/optimize-matshift
>  - [deleted]         barry/patch-flopcounts
>  - [deleted]         barry/petsc-sa-refactor-rebase
>  - [deleted]         barry/petscobjectviewfromoptions-resetincall
>  - [deleted]         barry/propagate-pcsetup-failures
>  - [deleted]         barry/refactor-petscsubcomm
>  - [deleted]         barry/remove-dreal
>  - [deleted]         barry/remove-sidl
>  - [deleted]         barry/remove-thread-classes-master
>  - [deleted]         barry/remove-unneeded-paren-petscmalloc
>  - [deleted]         barry/reuse-hwloc
>  - [deleted]         barry/rm-dead-code
>  - [deleted]         barry/sarich/feature-jenkins-submit
>  - [deleted]         barry/saws-options
>  - [deleted]         barry/saws-options-merge-master
>  - [deleted]         barry/snes-monitor-vi-residual
>  - [deleted]         barry/stefano_zampini/dmda-changeaotype
>  - [deleted]         barry/swift-example
>  - [deleted]         barry/test-trilinos-superlu
>  - [deleted]         barry/threadsafety-kspconvergedreason-kspmonitor
>  - [deleted]         barry/update-developers-manual-petsc-maint
>  - [deleted]         barry/update-sowing
>  - [deleted]         barry/update-suitesparse-version
>  - [deleted]         barry/use-ksp_matmult_pcapply-in-ksp-methods
>  - [deleted]         dave-may/mat-fixes
>  - [deleted]         dmeiser/adding-vtable-vecscatter
>  - [deleted]         dmeiser/fix-scatterinitcusp
>  - [deleted]         dmeiser/pullrequest-fix-PetscOptionsEnum
>  - [deleted]         dmeiser/pullrequest-fix-PetscOptionsEnum2
>  - [deleted]         dmeiser/pullrequest-fix-cusp-bjacobi2
>  - [deleted]         dmeiser/pullrequest-fix-dmda-cusparse
>  - [deleted]         dmeiser/pullrequest-fix-format-specifier-ex43
>  - [deleted]         dmeiser/pullrequest-remove-thrust-py
>  - [deleted]         dnystrom/vecsetoptionsprefix-fortran
>  - [deleted]         emil/fix-ts-dae-rebased-v3
>  - [deleted]         hongzh/add-costintegral-ts-rk-adjoint
>  - [deleted]         hongzh/fix-ts-power-grid-ex9opt
>  - [deleted]         hongzh/fix-ts-rk
>  - [deleted]         hongzh/fix-ts-theta-and-ex20adj
>  - [deleted]         hongzh/fix-ts-trajectory
>  - [deleted]         hongzh/petsc-sa-cleanup
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/add-OptionsScalarArray
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/cleanup-mpiptap
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/elemental-matconvert
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/elemental-matconvertnew
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/ex-update
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/fix-blame
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/fix-lsqr
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/fix-matgetdiagonal-errflag
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/fix-mpiptap
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/fix-subcommsettype
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/fix-vecsquare
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/ksp-addtest
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/ksp-ex39
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/ksp-ex52
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/mat-redundant_sbaij
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/mataxpy-bugfix
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/mataxpy-subset
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/mataxpy-subset-sbaij
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/mataxpy-subsetcleanup
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/matgetrowij-bugfix
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/matgetsubmat_sbaij
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/matmatmult-bugfix
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/mumps-bugfix
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/mumps-fix-convertToTriples
>  - [deleted]         hzhang/update-MUMPS_5.0.0
>  - [deleted]         icl/lawrence/dmplex-1d-refinement
>  - [deleted]         irving/hollow
>  - [deleted]         jed/chem
>  - [deleted]         jed/config-env-paths
>  - [deleted]         jed/config-re.sub
>  - [deleted]         jed/doc-fixes
>  - [deleted]         jed/fix-checkpointer-char
>  - [deleted]         jed/ksp-explicit-operator-BAorAB
>  - [deleted]         jed/matzerorows-nocomm
>  - [deleted]         jed/vecview-native
>  - [deleted]         jose/mpidense-with-array
>  - [deleted]         jose/split-reduction
>  - [deleted]         jose/upgrade-cusp-0.5.1
>  - [deleted]         karlrupp/feature-gpu-handle-access-for-vec
>  - [deleted]         karlrupp/feature-viennacl-1.6.1
>  - [deleted]         karlrupp/feature-viennacl-1.6.2
>  - [deleted]         karlrupp/fix-aijviennacl-destruction
>  - [deleted]         karlrupp/fix-cuda6-configuration
>  - [deleted]         karlrupp/fix-cusp-vecmdot-local-size-0
>  - [deleted]         karlrupp/remove-PETSC_HAVE_CUSP_SMOOTHED_AGGREGATION
>  - [deleted]         karpeev/fix-mat-getschurcomplement
>  - [deleted]         karpeev/fix-mat-getsubmatrices-mpi
>  - [deleted]         karpeev/ksp-pcgasm-overhaul
>  - [deleted]         karpeev/maint/fix-petscmath-missing-atan2
>  - [deleted]         knepley/doc-snes
>  - [deleted]         knepley/doc-webpage-prizes
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-combined-tabulation
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-composable-callbacks
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-dm-dimension-handling
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-dm-sf-local-copy
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-dmts-check
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-ds-fortran-example
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-fe-fv-hybrid
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-harmonic-advection
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-p4est-download
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-parallel-configure
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-parallel-partition
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-partitioner-simple
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-pc-local-msm
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-perf-api
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-plex-assembly-cellrange
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-plex-assembly-fortran
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-plex-bc
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-plex-generator-args
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-plex-label-output
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-plex-partitioner-shell
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-quadrature-fortran
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-remove-config-init
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-ts-fem+fvm-example
>  - [deleted]         knepley/feature-viewer-partial-read
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-callback-coordinate-dim
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-cohesive-intersection
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-compiler-warnings
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-config-tmpdir-perm
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-configure-cmake
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-configure-mpi-version
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-configure-package-check
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-configure-petsc-dep
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-configure-program-errors
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-dm-composition
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-dm-default-section-null
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-dm-df-local-copy
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-dm-subdm
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-dmload-parallel
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-ds-tab-fortran
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-dtfe-allow-null-residual-func
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-fas-cleanup
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-fft-fortran
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-fieldsplit-mg
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-fortran-stubs
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-iscoloring-create
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-l2g-checks
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-label-distribute
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-label-leak
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-log2
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-manual-mat-options
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-mat-view-bs
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-mpiio-flag
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-pc-fieldsplit-fortran
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-petsc-fv
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-1d-refinement
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-cgns-bc
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-coords-parallel
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-distribute-uninterpolated
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-ex3-constraints
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-examples-refinement
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-f90
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-geom
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-global-offset
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-gmsh-64int
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-latex
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-offset-calc
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-orient
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-orient-1d
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-refine-check
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-refine-sf
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-refinement-check
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-snes-examples
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-submesh-intersection
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-submesh-section
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-tests
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-tetgen
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-plex-xdmf
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-snesew-postsolve
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-snesvi-types
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-submesh-crossedge
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-vec-init
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-vec-readonly
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fix-veclock-fftw
>  - [deleted]         knepley/fortran-plex-fromfile
>  - [deleted]         knepley/mat-find-zero-diagonals
>  - [deleted]         knepley/plex-uninterpolate-sf
>  - [deleted]         knepley/solkx
>  - [deleted]         knepley/zoltan-update
>  - [deleted]         lawrence/dmplex-1d-refinement
>  - [deleted]         mark/ex49-bs
>  - [deleted]         mark/fortanenums
>  - [deleted]         mark/gamg-crs-ksp2
>  - [deleted]         mark/gamg-remove-eig-est
>  - [deleted]         mark/gamg-serial
>  - [deleted]         mark/gamg-square
>  - [deleted]         mark/gamgdoc
>  - [deleted]         mark/ksp-zero-eig
>  - [deleted]         mark/matnestmatconvert
>  - [deleted]         mlange/feature-parallel-distribute
>  - [deleted]         mlange/feature-plex-fluent
>  - [deleted]         mlange/feature-plex-gmsh-fortran
>  - [deleted]         mlange/fix-plex-distribute-perf-logging
>  - [deleted]         mlange/fix-plex-distributed-refine
>  - [deleted]         mlange/fix-plex-gmsh-binary-groups
>  - [deleted]         mlange/plex-gmsh-binary
>  - [deleted]         mlange/refactor-plex-distribute
>  - [deleted]         pefarrell/linesearch-nleqerr
>  - [deleted]         placasse/VecGetSubVector
>  - [deleted]         pr148/qulogic/python-binaryio-defaults
>  - [deleted]         pr227/iaannn/fix-matlab-write-bin-complex
>  - [deleted]         pr232/pefarrell/snes-has-npc
>  - [deleted]         pr234/vasiliy_kozyrev/mkl_cpardiso
>  - [deleted]         pr235/vijaysm/dmmoab-complex
>  - [deleted]         pr239/jeguyer/fix-matrix-market-export
>  - [deleted]         pr244/pefarrell/linesearch-nleqerr
>  - [deleted]         pr245/mapdes/dmcreateinjection-mat
>  - [deleted]         pr248/dmeiser/fix-VecGetLocalVector
>  - [deleted]         pr252/dmay/PetscViewerBinarySkipHeaderVecViewLoad
>  - [deleted]         pr252/dmay/PetscViewerBinarySkipHeaderVecViewLoad-maint
>  - [deleted]         pr258/dmay/dmay/PetscViewerBinaryRefactor/master
>  - [deleted]         pr259/dmay/dmay/BinaryViewerTestBugfixes/maint
>  - [deleted]         pr270/knepley/dm-set-sf-options/master
>  - [deleted]         pr276/elbueler/fix-ex9/master
>  - [deleted]         pr277/pefarrell/pefarrell/fieldsplit-is-block-size/master
>  - [deleted]         pr291/andrewspott/andrewspott/MatCreateHTranspose/master
>  - [deleted]         pr296/hakostra/HDF5-VecLoad-BS-fix/master
>  - [deleted]         pr298/semihozmen/semihozmen/ksp-fcg-eigen-comp-support/master
>  - [deleted]         pr306/pefarrell/pefarrell/snes-composite-vi-fixes/master
>  - [deleted]         pr311/PascalTremblay/PascalTremblay/mkl_pardiso_support_sbaij/master
>  - [deleted]         pr317/shanestafford/maint/fix-mat-disassemble-nonzerostate
>  - [deleted]         psanan/doc-typos
>  - [deleted]         psanan/ksp-ex43-update
>  - [deleted]         psanan/ksp-fcg
>  - [deleted]         psanan/logview-bugfix
>  - [deleted]         sarich/feature-configure-xsdk
>  - [deleted]         sarich/feature-jenkins-submit
>  - [deleted]         sarich/feature-tao-iteration-count
>  - [deleted]         sarich/fix-lmvm-warning
>  - [deleted]         sarich/fix-pounders-initial-monitor
>  - [deleted]         sarich/fix-print-statement
>  - [deleted]         sarich/fix-tao-default-options-guards
>  - [deleted]         sarich/fix-tao-jbearing-bqpip
>  - [deleted]         sarich/fix-tao-lcl_h-include
>  - [deleted]         sarich/fix-tao-linesearch-reset
>  - [deleted]         sarich/fix-tao-pounders-repeating
>  - [deleted]         sarich/fix-vecmedian-restore
>  - [deleted]         sarich/tao-add-fortran-stubs
>  - [deleted]         sarich/tao-examples-remove-double-delimiter
>  - [deleted]         sarich/tao-get-number-ksp-its
>  - [deleted]         sarich/tao-history-store-ksp-its
>  - [deleted]         sarich/tao-ksp-its
>  - [deleted]         shri/adjoints-and-events
>  - [deleted]         shri/clone-dmnetwork
>  - [deleted]         shri/dmplex-add-mat-localtoglobalmapping
>  - [deleted]         shri/fix-tsevent
>  - [deleted]         shri/ts-is-for-differential-variables
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/fix-64bit-indices
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/fix-coherent-computation-constraints-nocomm
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/fix-deluxe-solver-inheritance
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/fix-dirichlet-trick
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/fix-feti-rhs
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/fix-pcis-bug-after-setfromoptions
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/fix-typo-dofsplit
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/fix-uninitialized-ex59
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/fixes
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/fixes-and-improvements-multilevel
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/fixes-for-raviart-thomas
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/get-rid-of-PCBDDCApplySchur
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/hypre-ads
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/hypre-ams
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/matbaij-fixgetsubmatrix
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/matis-preallocation
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/matis_getmpixaij
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/matmumps-schursupport
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/matschur_transpose
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/mattransposedense-ldafix
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/pcbddc-adaptive-selection
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/pcbddc-changeofbasis
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/pcbddc-fix-matgetvecs
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/pcbddc-fix-mpi-op-typo
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/pcbddc-primalfixes
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/pcbddc_deluxe
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/pcbddcgraph-improve
>  - [deleted]         stefano_zampini/seqaijtodense
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/config-log-integer-size
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/dm-dim-embed-auto
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/dm-fe-tensor-in-header
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/dm-plex-fix-nonconforming
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/feature-fe-geom-dim
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/feature-gamg-extensible
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/feature-gamg-save-perm
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/fix-chaco-triangle-64bit
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/fix-ctetgen-make
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/fix-gamg-square-graph
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/fix-makefile-allgtags
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/fix-sf-nroots-nleaves-switch
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/fix-snes-ex48-cleanup
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/fix-solaris-compiler-regexp
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/ksp-cheby-update-tests
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/ksp-cheby-use-mat-state
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/mat-get-submatrix-unordered
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/pc-pbjacobi-fix-get-array-read
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/plex-fix-ex3-num-comp
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/plex-fix-warnings
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/plex-flexible-projection
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/simplify-register-all
>  - [deleted]         tisaac/thplex
>  - [deleted]         xolotl

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