[petsc-dev] configuring hypre on batch system

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jan 9 19:38:06 CST 2015


    Can you do the same tests with pthreads and a thread pool? How much better? What about better threads than pthreads like they are allegedly developing for Argo at ANL? Have you asked Pete Beckman for his thread region times?


> On Jan 9, 2015, at 5:55 PM, Jed Brown <jed at jedbrown.org> wrote:
> Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov> writes:
>> I've have a test up and running but hypre and GAMG are running very very
>> slow. The test only has about 100 equation per core.  Jed mentioned 20K
>> cycles to start OMP parallel (really?) which would explain a lot.  Do I
>> understand that correctly Jed?
> Yes, >20k cycles on KNC is what John McCalpin reports [1].  Somewhat
> less on more reasonable architectures like Xeon (which also has a faster
> clock rate), but still huge.  Cycle counts for my attached test code:
> cg.mcs.anl.gov (4x Opteron 6274 @ 2.2 GHz), ICC 13.1.3
> $ make -B CC=icc CFLAGS='-std=c99 -fopenmp -fast' omp-test
> icc -std=c99 -fopenmp -fast    omp-test.c   -o omp-test
> $ for n in 1 2 4 8 12 16 24 32 48 64; do ./omp-test $n 10000 10 16; done                                                                                                                                                            
>  1 threads,   64 B: Min      647  Max     2611  Avg      649
>  2 threads,  128 B: Min     6817  Max    12689  Avg     7400
>  4 threads,  256 B: Min     7602  Max    15105  Avg     8910
>  8 threads,  512 B: Min    10408  Max    21640  Avg    11769
> 12 threads,  768 B: Min    13588  Max    22176  Avg    15608
> 16 threads, 1024 B: Min    15748  Max    26853  Avg    17397
> 24 threads, 1536 B: Min    19503  Max    32095  Avg    22130
> 32 threads, 2048 B: Min    21213  Max    36480  Avg    23688
> 48 threads, 3072 B: Min    25306  Max   613552  Avg    29799
> 64 threads, 4096 B: Min   106807  Max 47592474  Avg   291975
>  (The largest size may not be representative because someone's
>  8-process job was running.  The machine was otherwise idle.)
> For comparison, we can execute in serial with the same buffer sizes:
> $ for n in 1 2 4 8 12 16 24 32 48 64; do ./omp-test 1 1000 1000 $[16*$n]; done
>  1 threads,   64 B: Min      645  Max      696  Avg      662
>  1 threads,  128 B: Min      667  Max      769  Avg      729
>  1 threads,  256 B: Min      682  Max      718  Avg      686
>  1 threads,  512 B: Min      770  Max      838  Avg      802
>  1 threads,  768 B: Min      788  Max      890  Avg      833
>  1 threads, 1024 B: Min      849  Max      899  Avg      870
>  1 threads, 1536 B: Min      941  Max     1007  Avg      953
>  1 threads, 2048 B: Min     1071  Max     1130  Avg     1102
>  1 threads, 3072 B: Min     1282  Max     1354  Avg     1299
>  1 threads, 4096 B: Min     1492  Max     1686  Avg     1514
> es.mcs.anl.gov (2x E5-2650v2 @ 2.6 GHz), ICC 13.1.3
> $ make -B CC=icc CFLAGS='-std=c99 -fopenmp -fast' omp-test
> icc -std=c99 -fopenmp -fast    omp-test.c   -o omp-test
> $ for n in 1 2 4 8 12 16 24 32; do ./omp-test $n 10000 10 16; done                                                                                                                                                       
>  1 threads,   64 B: Min      547  Max    19195  Avg      768
>  2 threads,  128 B: Min     1896  Max     9821  Avg     1966
>  4 threads,  256 B: Min     4489  Max    23076  Avg     5891
>  8 threads,  512 B: Min     6954  Max    24801  Avg     7784
> 12 threads,  768 B: Min     7146  Max    23007  Avg     7946
> 16 threads, 1024 B: Min     8296  Max    30338  Avg     9427
> 24 threads, 1536 B: Min     8930  Max    14236  Avg     9815
> 32 threads, 2048 B: Min    47937  Max 38485441  Avg    54358
>  (This machine was idle.)
> And the serial comparison:
> $ for n in 1 2 4 8 12 16 24 32; do ./omp-test 1 1000 1000 $[16*$n]; done
>  1 threads,   64 B: Min      406  Max     1293  Avg      500
>  1 threads,  128 B: Min      418  Max      557  Avg      427
>  1 threads,  256 B: Min      428  Max      589  Avg      438
>  1 threads,  512 B: Min      469  Max      641  Avg      471
>  1 threads,  768 B: Min      505  Max      631  Avg      508
>  1 threads, 1024 B: Min      536  Max      733  Avg      538
>  1 threads, 1536 B: Min      588  Max      813  Avg      605
>  1 threads, 2048 B: Min      627  Max      809  Avg      630
> So we're talking about 3 µs (Xeon) to 10 µs (Opteron) overhead for omp
> parallel even with these small numbers of cores.  This is more than
> ping-pong round trip on decent networks and 20 µs (one to pack, one to
> unpack on the Opteron) is more than the cost of MPI_Allreduce on a
> million cores of BG/Q [2].  You're welcome to run it for yourself on
> Titan or wherever else.
> The simple conclusion is that putting omp parallel in the critical path
> is a terrible plan for strong scaling and downright silly if you're
> spending money on a low-latency network.
> [1] https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/topic/537436#comment-1808790
> [2] http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~fischer/bgq_all_reduce.png
> #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <omp.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> typedef unsigned long long cycles_t;
> cycles_t rdtsc() {
>  unsigned hi, lo;
>  __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi));
>  return ((cycles_t)lo)|( ((cycles_t)hi)<<32);
> }
> int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
>  if (argc != 5) {
>    fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s NUM_THREADS NUM_SAMPLES SAMPLE_ITERATIONS LOCAL_SIZE\n",argv[0]);
>    return 1;
>  }
>  int nthreads = atoi(argv[1]),num_samples = atoi(argv[2]),sample_its = atoi(argv[3]),lsize = atoi(argv[4]);
>  omp_set_num_threads(nthreads);
>  int *buf = calloc(nthreads*lsize,sizeof(int));
>  // Warm up the thread pools
> #pragma omp parallel for
>  for (int k=0; k<nthreads*lsize; k++) buf[k]++;
>  cycles_t max=0,min=1e10,sum=0;
>  for (int i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
>    cycles_t t = rdtsc();
>    for (int j=0; j<sample_its; j++) {
> #pragma omp parallel for
>      for (int k=0; k<nthreads*lsize; k++) buf[k]++;
>    }
>    t = (rdtsc() - t)/sample_its;
>    if (t > max) max = t;
>    if (t < min) min = t;
>    sum += t;
>  }
>  printf("% 3d threads, %4zd B: Min %8llu  Max %8llu  Avg %8llu\n",nthreads,nthreads*lsize*sizeof(int),min,max,sum/num_samples);
>  return 0;
> }

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