[petsc-dev] SNESCOMPOSITE with a VI underneath

Patrick Farrell patrick.farrell at maths.ox.ac.uk
Tue Apr 21 05:39:24 CDT 2015

Dear Barry et al,

Thanks for that.

I've started a pull request for supporting VIs in SNESCOMPOSITE:


This is mainly to start the discussion. In particular,

(a) Do you want me to add a check to every SNESSolve_* that doesn't support bounds
     that no bounds are present?

(b) Is there a writeup of what additiveoptimal actually does? I looked in the manual
     and in the SIAM Review paper and couldn't see a description anywhere. I think
     the coefficients in the least-squares problem need to be modified in light of the
     VI, but I'm not sure how.



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