[petsc-dev] provider stuff in package.py

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Sep 30 16:00:28 CDT 2014


    Can all the “provider” stuff in package.py like

  def getDefaultPrecision(self):
    '''The precision of the library'''
    if hasattr(self, 'precisionProvider'):
      if hasattr(self.precisionProvider, 'precision'):
        return self.precisionProvider.precision
    return self._defaultPrecision
  def setDefaultPrecision(self, defaultPrecision):
    '''The precision of the library'''
    self._defaultPrecision = defaultPrecision
  defaultPrecision = property(getDefaultPrecision, setDefaultPrecision, doc = 'The precision of the library’)

be cleaned up/simplified/removed with the new BuildSystem model?

What was the original need for the provider stuff and is there still a need? If there is still a need can it be satisfied some other way. Is there every a need for a different provide for different packages? For example hypre gets one xxx provider and some other package gets a different xxxx provider.


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