[petsc-dev] Updating MOAB version during download

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Mon Jun 16 21:50:53 CDT 2014

Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> writes:
>    If a pull request is made obviously the moab branch needs to be
>    converted to a commit-hash for that review, then reviewers are
>    looking at a stable “other package”. Or one just needs to freeze
>    both branches until the review is complete.

You can't retroactively modify the petsc commits to use a moab hash.
You have to use the moab hash all along.

>     If someone is pushing new commits on the moab branch associated
>     with the petsc branch they are obligated to test them against
>     PETSc so if I come in later and access the PETSc branch and the
>     moab branch they will work together. One could not just pick an
>     arbitrary moab branch (that people may be changing willy-nilly)
>     and say my PETSc branch is tracking that rather it is a moab
>     branch specifically associated with the PETSc branch. For example
>     petsc-feature-dmmoab could be a branch in moab that is tracked by
>     the feature-dmmoab branch in PETSc.

1. This is special-cased for someone that simultaneously owns branches in
both projects.

2. It assumes that there will be sufficient communication among other
MOAB developers so that they know the branch has hidden connections with
a different project and thus must be treated specially.

>   Note that all this is the same regardless of whether one manually
>   git clone ; check checkout the moab branch or used
>   —download-moab. You just seem to have it in your head that Barry
>   should be doing a lot more git clone xxx himself rather than letting
>   —download-xxx do it for him.

I think you should be doing "git checkout -b barry/moab-branch" and
dealing with getting it upstream.
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