[petsc-dev] Possible bugs when using TS with ViennaCL

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Wed Jan 29 07:40:45 CST 2014

Karl Rupp <rupp at mcs.anl.gov> writes:
> Okay, I could reproduce this problem on my machine: A configuration 
> including
>   --with-threadcomm --with-pthreadclasses --with-openmp
> fails, while
>   --with-threadcomm --with-pthreadclasses
> works. Note that all runs are single-threaded, so it is only the 
> presence of -fopenmp which screws things up.

What about using CFLAGS=-fopenmp ?  Control flow is different in a few
places, so I would be concerned about that first.
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