[petsc-dev] CFLAGS and COPTFLAGS

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Wed Jan 22 13:24:58 CST 2014

Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> writes:

>   When we first tried to follow “community standards” with —prefix I
>   was told that “community standards” did not recognize the need for
>   multiple installs and that community standards did not allow for
>   putting archs onto names to allow multiple installs.  We
>   specifically removed the concept of PETSC_ARCH for installs for this
>   reason. Have community standards changed?

There is a big difference between having the install variant in the path
(user has to manage paths themselves) and versioning libraries installed
to the same path.  We can continue with using the prefix for everything
(which some distros will work around to avoid offloading path management
to the user) or we can allow multiple installs to a standard path (users
don't have to deal with paths, instead run petsc-3.5.0-dbg-config).
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