[petsc-dev] GPU preconditioners
Matthew Knepley
knepley at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 13:48:14 CST 2014
On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Andrea Lani <andrea.lani at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Devs,
> is the PCBJACOBI solver fully ported to GPU in the latest petsc-dev
> version? if not, is there any intention to do so in the near future?
> I have a convection-dominated (with strong discontinuities in the flow
> field) MHD problem where PCASM and PCBJACOBI both work fine with KSPGMRES.
These can be done on the GPU, but the key is the inner PC. Right now, we
have no ILU0 or equivalent, which I think is what
you want. You can try the AMG variants, but I am guessing they would not be
great for convection dominated flow.
Maybe Karl has a better suggestion?
> Looking for a speedup in my code (which is using a petsc-dev version about
> two-months old), the only GPU alternative I found was PCJACOBI. This is
> indeed considerably faster on GPU, but does not converge (neither does,
> consistently, its CPU counterpart) if not for a few iterations before
> blowing up. Any other alternative for GPU-based preconditioners or solvers
> worth trying at the moment?
> Thanks in advance for your advice
> Andrea
> --
> Dr. Andrea
> Lani
> Senior Research Engineer, PhD
> Aeronautics & Aerospace dept., CFD group
> Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
> Chausse de Waterloo 72,
> B-1640, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium
> fax : +32-2-3599600
> work : +32-2-3599769
> *lani at vki.ac.be <lani at vki.ac.be>*
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