[petsc-dev] Patch to fix vector allocation in ksp-fcg

Sascha Schnepp mail at saschaschnepp.net
Fri Dec 19 08:18:49 CST 2014

Hello developers,

I prepared a patch to fix the allocation of direction vectors in
KSPAllocateVectors_FCG within ksp-fcg.

The fix consists only of replacing a PetscMin with a PetscMax. This
prevents vectors being allocated one-by-one instead of chunksize
of them once the preallocated ones (nprealloc) are exhausted.

Let me know if you prefer a PR.


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ETH Zurich
Sascha Schnepp
Institute of Geophysics - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
NO H23, Sonneggstrasse 5, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
schnepps at ethz.ch
www.gfd.ethz.ch; www.saschaschnepp.net

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